[分享] 泰越捷取消航班後選擇








我們遺憾地通知您,您於2024 年7 月25 日從台北- 1 號航站樓16:00 飛往曼谷- 素萬那普18:45 的泰國越捷航空VZ563 航班因“颱風蓋米”而被取消



乘客有權在原定出發日期後 30 個日曆日內免費將航班改期至同一航線的另一個日期/時間,無需支付任何額外費用。



旅客有權以信用貝殼的形式保留機票價值,以支付所有預訂機票及輔助服務的費用;為泰國越捷航空 (VZ) 營運的任何航段的任何乘客支付行李費、預訂座位和/或訂餐。

如果乘客透過 Thai Vietjet 管道或 AMY Chatbot 預訂機票,乘客有權將機票價值保留為電子信用殼 (ECS),以便透過您的 FUN 會員帳戶使用。

*Credit Shell 和 Electronic Credit Shell 的效期為出發日起 365 天內。








Dear Valued Passenger,

We regret to inform you that your Thai VietJet Air flight VZ563 from Taipei - Terminal 1 16:00 to BangKok - Suvarnabhumi 18:45 on 25 July 2024 has been cancelled due to "Typhoon Gaemi"

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused, and we would like to offer you the following service recovery options as below:

Move Flight

Passengers are entitled to move your flight one time free of charge to another date/time on the same route within 30 calendar days from the original departure date without any additional cost.

To change your flight without any additional cost, please visit Manage Booking page. If there are any costs associated with changing flight fee flight fee. Please do not proceed and instead contact our support channels.

Credit Shell

Passengers are entitled to keep ticket value as Credit Shell to make payment for all booking reservation tickets and ancillary services; baggage payment, seat reservation and/or meal order for any passengers in any segment operated by Thai VietJet (VZ).

In case passengers booked the ticket via Thai Vietjet channel or AMY Chatbot, passengers are entitled to keep ticket value as Electronic Credit Shell (ECS) to be use through your FUN Member account.

*Credit Shell and Electronic Credit Shell is valid for 365 days from the date of departure.

Full Refund

Passengers are entitled to request Full Refund of ticket value. The refund shall be return back to the original payment channel which passenger has booked the reservation and the refund process will be within 45 days.

Should you require assistance regarding the service recoveries above, please kindly contact our support channels below.

Any inconvenience caused is much regretted and we look forward to welcoming you onboard soon.

*Please disregard this email if any changes has been made.*


Thai VietJet Air

Sent from JPTT on my Xiaomi M2010J19SG.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1721811864.A.4B1.html
dragon88441樓等上班上課的日子再打看看? 07/24 17:08
passenger102樓泰越捷如果有問題打泰國的服務好像比較會接 07/24 17:36
yoshilin3樓凱米吧 07/24 18:27
sulichun4樓晚原PO一天的班機 目前瑟瑟發抖中~~~ 07/24 18:34
sulichun5樓想知道"我們的支援管道"是什麼? 07/24 18:40
csfp6樓信上面的連結改票 有按到最後一步試試看嗎? 07/24 19:06
csfp7樓我之前改票也是有顯示價格,但按到最後確認班次前變成0元 07/24 19:06
csfp8樓真的要收費就不要刷卡就好 聯絡客服 07/24 19:07
本人9樓有按到最後要輸入信用卡的地方,還是要錢 07/24 19:52
easy77710樓加泰越捷的官方LINE線上改機票就好有中文客服改兩次了 07/25 01:03
jxigjll11樓 07/26 10:17
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