[閒聊] Boeing 777X 2026 交付計畫



來源: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/12ELzMufjP1/



看起來好像又有新消息 ANA也預計在明年接收他們首架777X

再來阿聯酋將延後到27-28年交付 剩下的客戶則陸續交機但尚無明確的資訊

單壓777X的客戶終於有新機能淘汰舊機了嗎? 讓我們看下去...

Boeing 777-9 Delivery Timeline: Lufthansa is set to receive the first 777-9
in 2026, as confirmed by Boeing CEO Robert Kelly Ortberg.

Similarly, All Nippon Airways anticipates its first delivery in the same
year, according to Kimihiro Nakahori, the airline’s CFO and Executive Vice

Meanwhile, Emirates faces further delays, now expecting its 777-9 deliveries
to be pushed to the second quarter of 2027, with some sources indicating the
possibility of an even later arrival in 2028.

Other 777X customers awaiting their 777-9 deliveries, including Qatar
Airways, Etihad Airways, Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Air India,
Korean Air are expected to follow, with exact timelines yet to be confirmed.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1739116024.A.387.html
qwe7539511樓LH椅子準備好沒?不要沒椅子裝欸 02/09 23:49
odkmse2樓EK是說他們悲觀認為2027Q2才能接收,不是波音說EK延到2027 02/09 23:53
odkmse3樓然後原文有錯,EY的777X訂單在2019年因為財務問題已經取消 02/09 23:55
odkmse4樓如果撐到現在就有賠償金可以拿了 02/09 23:56
abian7465樓希望趕快輪到國泰,那些773才能退役 02/10 01:09
tony05266樓EY的訂單還在吧 波音網站上查還有25架 02/10 01:26
coolfish11037樓飛了再說 XD 02/10 06:13
taxlaw19918樓有在飛啦 只是才剛恢復試飛沒多久而已 02/10 07:57
js526669樓繼續加碼35K比較實際 02/10 08:10
domago10樓拿放大鏡在檢查 02/10 08:28
william840311樓期待華航大長鯨 02/10 08:35
Retangle12樓ANA現在飛機老 票價貴 02/10 08:36
driver081113樓解決了波音thrust link結構問題,還是結構性問題? 02/10 09:26
arnbition14樓波音這幾年文化設計出的產品.. 02/10 09:27
lions40215樓A35K繼續賣 02/10 09:40
as98113416樓阿但是就算年中通過認證,明年就要交機,有辦法這麼順 02/10 11:08
as98113417樓利的嗎 02/10 11:08
tndh18樓波音的速度不輸南鐵地下化 02/10 11:41
sugaryeh00019樓國泰還好有押寶35k, 好用客人評價也好 02/10 11:59
as98113420樓還好日本也是壓了350,不然日本就要兩大航都抱著老777 02/10 12:05
as98113421樓 02/10 12:05
Retangle22樓日航還是破產時被改策略才買A350 02/10 12:14
Retangle23樓不然日本現在就是一堆老飛機在天上飛 02/10 12:16
csfp24樓已經習慣延期了 02/10 12:20
Retangle25樓稻盛和夫真的是拯救日本航空界的偉人 02/10 12:20
taxlaw199126樓波音已經做了一堆779半成品躺在地上 02/10 12:32
driver081127樓不過去年新聞不是爆國泰停飛350K檢查RR引擎? 02/10 14:47
as98113428樓那個早就處理完了 02/10 15:04
js5266629樓737max更是停滿地吧 02/10 18:21
taxlaw199130樓max庫存已經有在清了 只剩中國和少數幾間已倒的 02/10 18:41