[新聞] Emirates計畫於2023/8 恢復A380飛航台北



[媒體名稱] Simply Flying [新聞日期]2023/1/11
Emirates計畫於2023/8/1 恢復A380 (三艙等)飛航台北

Emirates has confirmed the return of the A380 to Taipei after a
three-and-a-half-year absence. Now bookable, it'll again use the superjumbo
to Taiwan from this August, replacing the 777-300ER. It comes as Korean Air,
which had planned to use the A380 between Seoul and Taipei for just two
months, extends it through the year.

Emirates A380 to Taipei
As of January 11th, but still liable to change, Emirates expects to use the
A380 to Taipei from August 1st. It'll run 1x daily. It began using the
double-decker to the Taiwanese city daily in May 2016, ending in March 2020.
It is now scheduled as follows, with all times local:

Dubai to Taipei: EK366, 03:40-16:15 (8h 35m block time)
Taipei to Dubai: EK367, 23:35-04:15+1 (8h 40m)
Click here for Dubai-Taipei flights.

The timings might seem unusual, but they're perfectly normal for Emirates'
Far East flights. The 03:40 departure is fed by vast amounts of arrivals,
primarily from across Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa, which land
around 23:00-01:00. The 04:15 arrival feeds its largest Europe, Middle East,
and North Africa-bound departure bank from 07:00-09:00.

When writing, it is clear that three-class equipment will be deployed on the
route as first class is bookable. There will be 14 first class seats and 76
in business. But it isn't certain how many economy seats there will be, which
dictates which configuration will be used.

An examination of Flightradar24 data for March 2020 indicates that it used
both two-class and three-class equipment. When first was offered, it tended
to use 517-seat A380s, those with 427 economy seats.

Assuming it'll continue to use 517-seaters, it'll replace the three-class,
354-seat 777-300ERs presently deployed. It means that each departure will
have 46% more seats. The number in first will rise from 8 to 14 (+75%),
business from 42 to 76 (+81%), and economy from 304 to 427 (+40%). That's a
lot more seats to sell, especially in premium. Clearly, Emirates is confident.

Where Taipei passengers go
Analysis of Emirates' Taipei operations for 2019, the last normal year, shows
that it had 388,820 roundtrip seats for sale between Dubai and Taipei,
according to OAG data. (I like the '388' bit.) Booking data indicates that it
carried approximately 330,000 passengers, for an average seat load factor of

About 87% of passengers, a considerable proportion, transited Dubai, while
13% were point-to-point. Extremely few connected over Taipei or bridged both
airports. The most popular transit markets Europe-Dubai-Taipei (~67% of
connecting passengers), North Africa-Dubai-Taipei (~11%), and Middle
East-Dubai-Taipei (~6%), according to booking data.

Istanbul-Dubai-Taipei was number one

The most popular airport-level origin and destination market was Istanbul
Airport-Taipei via Dubai. Flying via Dubai adds a reasonable 14% to the
non-stop distance. Cairo-Taipei was the second most popular market. The rest
of the top ten, in order, were Lisbon, Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen, Barcelona,
Casablanca, Vienna, Madrid, Zagreb, and Prague.

Click here for Istanbul-Taipei flights.

In 2019, Sabiha Gökçen, Zagreb, and Prague had both Emirates and flydubai.
Now, Sabiha Gökçen and Zagreb are exclusively by increasingly important
partner flydubai.

文中引述 EK台北航線的客源分析(in 2019)
平均載客率: 85%

87% 轉機客 (經杜拜至第三地)
13% 兩地點對點

Europe-Dubai-Taipei :67%
North Africa-Dubai-Taipei:11%
Middle East-Dubai-Taipei : 6%

TPE-DXB-第三地: 10大目的地
1. Istanbul
2. Cairo
3. Lisbon,
4. Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen
5. Barcelona
6. Casablanca,
7. Vienna,
8. Madrid,
9. Zagreb,

本來還以為搭EK TPE-DXB 的旅客主要是去西歐國家首都或經濟主要大城,

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1673706126.A.B02.html
pwseki2061樓不知道TK會不會也是轉機客為主要客源,感覺兩家的歐洲 01/14 22:32
pwseki2062樓中轉應該不少 01/14 22:32
danic3樓摩洛哥簽證不是很麻煩 也這麼多人去喔??!! 01/14 22:52
lions4024樓土耳其埃及團客呀 拿了一堆機位就便宜賣 01/14 22:57
ATR725樓看來好多都是旅行團 01/14 23:01
iamkher6樓匯豐好像旅行團居多 但通常要去那些點中東轉機能到的航 01/14 23:07
iamkher7樓點也比較多 先排除港轉的 01/14 23:07
eugene03158樓西歐的那幾個大城市有國籍航空都有飛啊 而且就算去香 01/14 23:14
eugene03159樓港或曼谷轉也不少 不一定會執著要搭阿聯酋 01/14 23:14
wtchen10樓全程不到9小時,商務艙還沒睡飽就得起床吃早餐 01/14 23:17
dr291511樓可能是西歐那些大城太多競爭,相較之下上榜的這些EK有更多 01/14 23:22
dr291512樓其他航空的優勢 01/14 23:22
dr291513樓^沒有的優勢 01/14 23:23
lions40214樓開口行程EK TK優勢就跑出來了 01/14 23:26
odkmse15樓這統計怎麼怪怪的,伊斯坦堡SAW也上榜? 01/14 23:46
chewie16樓轉機票價比較便宜啊 商務客會盡量直飛吧 01/14 23:49
chewie17樓TK的歐洲航點是蠻密的 方便排不同點進出行程 01/14 23:51
GaryMatthews18樓伊斯坦堡上榜兩個也太甚 土雞國是有這麼好玩? 01/14 23:57
ddddd01419樓西葡占三名耶,未來有沒有機會看到直飛巴賽隆納 01/15 00:14
eugene031520樓去伊斯坦堡又不是只逛伊斯坦堡 番紅花城 卡帕多奇亞 01/15 00:37
eugene031521樓棉花堡 安塔利亞 特洛伊古城都在土耳其啊 台灣開團 01/15 00:37
eugene031522樓的土耳其旅遊團不都去這些地方 01/15 00:37
dbdudsorj23樓神奇的是土航本身有飛伊斯坦堡 01/15 00:50
ptt24624樓團體很愛阿聯酋 01/15 00:55
gitans25樓EK的時段對商務客不是很好 01/15 02:38
QUEENSUSAN26樓希望伊比利半島早日有直飛航班了~很有潛力! 01/15 08:54
odkmse27樓因為TK的IST進出機位少,票價貴到翻,旅行社才都搭配EK轉機 01/15 10:20
odkmse28樓之前BR飛IST補足土耳其旅行團票,但77W太大隻,本來BR想搭配 01/15 10:23
odkmse29樓TK轉歐陸,結果TK惡搞歐陸票價,BR載不滿又遇到偽政變就停飛 01/15 10:25
yoshilin30樓公司出錢一定是直飛 01/15 12:06
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