[情報] 李灝宇坐了13小時巴士導致背傷 本季報銷



The Detroit News Monday this week:


"A day later, Hao-Yu Lee, a second baseman who this year blasted into the
Tigers' top-5 prospect range, played his last game of 2024. A back problem,
stemming from a 13-hour bus ride from Portland, Maine, has finished Lee for
the year, although it's expected he will be fine ahead of 2025 spring camp"

底特律新聞報 報導指出

李灝宇因為搭乘了13小時的巴士到波特蘭 結果坐到後背受傷

今年報銷不再出賽 但來年的春訓營就會回歸

看來今年12強 球隊也可能不會讓他出賽了

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1724324944.A.613.html
akiraje1樓..... 08/22 19:09
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polanco7樓三小…… 08/22 19:09
lmf7704108樓…… 08/22 19:09
ZILY1239樓三小啦 08/22 19:09
Eric175110樓 08/22 19:09
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antrhor13樓.......? 08/22 19:09
BayAreaUnite14樓????? 08/22 19:09
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ghostl4080918樓Orz 08/22 19:09
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jsai21樓...........這也能報銷 08/22 19:09
a9cb82173d22樓13小時 哭啊 08/22 19:09
catsondbs23樓。。。。 08/22 19:09
LSLLtu24樓三小…… 08/22 19:09
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JoSue26樓??? 08/22 19:09
smile1017727樓 08/22 19:09
Jaguarsu28樓三小 08/22 19:09
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peter8651130樓聽過最傻眼的報銷原因… 08/22 19:09