[分享] Cashman認為某隊作弊導致洋基15年沒打WS





“I hate the 15-year thing because it completely forgets and discounts that some
other organization cheated us when we were already in the end, if you knew what
was going on, I don’t think they would be advancing during that time thing, I
think we would have been advancing” Cashman said about the Astros on “Mad Dog
Radio” with long time New York radio host Chris Russo.

“I hate that 15-year thing because I don’t think it accurately reflects histor

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1729737194.A.8BC.html
xxxff06451樓17年原本也可能是基躲大戰吧 被偷了 10/24 10:33
choobii2樓作弊了15年 10/24 10:34
WanYC3樓鼓聲若響 10/24 10:34
ericinttu4樓Cashman said about the Astros 10/24 10:34
KyleBoros5樓簽了好幾張爛約 還敢講啊 10/24 10:35
A80211ab6樓不是2013才轉東區的嗎 10/24 10:35
fash58967樓不止世界大賽啦,還偷走了法官的MVP 10/24 10:36
A80211ab8樓還是在說紅襪? 10/24 10:36
LADKUO569樓鼓聲最大受害者不是躲人嗎 直接被偷一個冠軍 10/24 10:36
yankees73310樓2017鼓人啊 不然就是洋基對道奇了 10/24 10:37
ericinttu11樓最大受害者才是受害者嘛? 10/24 10:37
legendd12樓達比修: 10/24 10:38
LoliCar13樓太鼓隊 10/24 10:38
kuerude14樓兩隊都是受害者,經典 10/24 10:38
KyleBoros15樓躲人才打幾場 ALCS打到G7 10/24 10:38
carlchang09216樓17沒有打鼓還的話,不確定道奇跟洋基誰能拿WS吧 10/24 10:38
ctes94000817樓2017 10/24 10:39
Yjizz18樓bang:/bbs/Baseball/G.1689947240.A.EB6.html 10/24 10:40
ct1357919樓說真的,打鼓只2017嗎,我可不信 10/24 10:40
tsailaw20樓躲人2017 WS也打到G7啊 10/24 10:40
CaminoI21樓這不是酸 是講述事實 就是作弊那隊在偷 10/24 10:40
DukeGD66622樓太鼓達人 10/24 10:40
stilu23樓LUB 10/24 10:41
tsailaw24樓只是洋基季後賽跟垃圾桶隊打比較多年 10/24 10:41
carlchang09225樓說打幾場的那個,2017的WS跟ALCS都是七場打滿啊 10/24 10:41
Yjizz26樓https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1573598834.A.36E.html 10/24 10:41
wryyyyyyyy27樓bang 10/24 10:43
b5410228樓這樣講其實也不是不行 因為那幾年真的大家都被太空人爆打 10/24 10:44
b5410229樓一頓 10/24 10:44
nyybronx30樓2017 ALCS 洋基在鼓人主場全輸,很明顯被作弊害吧。 10/24 10:44