[分享] 道奇隊的球探報告指出洋基隊基本面不足



Dodgers scouting report was dead on: Yankees fundamentals are so bad there’s pl
enty of opportunity to take advantage


Jon Heyman在推特上寫的


他回覆的是另外一位紐約郵報記者寫的報導Yankees’ World Series failure started —
and ended — with fundamental issues




What the Dodgers told their players in scouting meetings was the Yankees were ta
lent over fundamentals. That if you run the bases with purpose and aggression, t
he Yankees will self-inflict harm as was exposed by Betts, Tommy Edman, Freddie
Freeman, etc. That the value was very high to put the ball in play to make the Y
ankees execute. They mentioned that the Yankees were not just the majors’ worst
baserunning team by every metric, but the difference was vast on the field betw
een them and the Padres, who the Dodgers beat in the NL Division Series, but wer
e impressive in this area.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1730433870.A.B4C.html
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