[情報] 洋基提高對Juan Soto的報價



.@JonHeyman reports that the Yankees have recently "upgraded" their initial offe
r to Juan Soto.

Heyman also reports that the Yankees have contacted free agent starting pitchers
Corbin Burnes and Max Fried.

MORE: on.sny.tv/aoGGaUj


根據Jon Heyman報導,洋基已經提高了對Juan Soto合約的初步報價

他們也已經聯絡了Corbin Burnes與Max Fried陣營做為沒簽下Soto的備案


裡面還提到洋基願意給Jaun Soto多次逃脫權,不過這條件預計其他球隊也會提出所以沒什

The Yankees told Soto they are willing to include opt-outs as part of their pack
age to the 26-year-old superstar, but that is unlikely to separate them, as mult
iple teams are expected to accede to that request.



Offers for Juan Soto are expected to go through multiple rounds, a league source
tells @TheAthletic. The first round is expected to be "preliminary," meant to g
auge genuine interest from all parties. The following offers/rounds, which could
start around next week, are (cont ...)

(Cont.) … expected to become increasingly more serious, weeding out candidates
and seemingly point toward a Winter Meetings-ish decision timeframe.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1732755282.A.FBC.html
rlj08581樓急了 11/28 08:55
cct11212樓急了 11/28 08:55
WasJohnWall3樓衝啊 11/28 08:56
pinky8411184樓加錢啊XDDDDD 11/28 08:56
nnbak855515樓呦 急啦? 11/28 08:57
s1552606樓急了 11/28 08:57
zteboom467樓看起來養雞談的很不順啊XDDD 11/28 08:57
Hosimati8樓我知道你還有錢 11/28 08:57
speai188919樓看來競爭激烈哦 11/28 08:57
Hohenzollern10樓合約多給Soto逃脫權 大聯盟球員薪資膨脹愈來愈快 11/28 08:58
tsai52911樓道奇:soto需要幫忙跟我說 我馬上加價上去 11/28 08:58
destinyx212樓我知道你還有錢xd 11/28 08:58
pounil13樓都沒價碼出現...不然可以看600→610→650→660→.... 11/28 08:59
crayon198814樓急了 11/28 08:59
mikilin2315樓$$$$$滾起來 11/28 08:59
try1328616樓急了 11/28 08:59
sakurarein17樓運鈔車開出來時 11/28 08:59
bmwnyy87091518樓看來搶很兇 11/28 08:59
pounil19樓這種年輕強打 有錢搶得當然要搶 11/28 09:00
DukeGD66620樓小老闆加油好嗎 11/28 09:01
TopGun221樓15Y 90M all in 吧 11/28 09:01
andre922樓SOTO快被搶走囉 11/28 09:02
andre923樓大都會一定開超高 11/28 09:02
jack3403124樓王電火不讓了 11/28 09:02
ohmyya25樓錢鬥誰贏得過大都會 11/28 09:02
jack3403126樓加碼 加碼 11/28 09:02
harrychen41327樓真的急了 11/28 09:03
TopGun228樓洋基明年奪冠就看這條了 11/28 09:03
johnwu29樓穩惹 11/28 09:03
carlchang09230樓雖然不是梅子迷但大都會上啊 11/28 09:04