Yankees bid $760M for 16 years. Soto is a Met.
https://x.com/JonHeyman/status/1865958845664653692多一年 均薪總值都輸
And Soto sweepstakes ends with Mets signing him to a massive contract. I don’t
know the Yankees exact offer, but they considered it very competitive. Within th
e last few hours, the Yanks grew pessimistic about getting Soto. Now they move o
n to Plan B. Heyman & Passan w/ the news.
There’s Heyman with the very competitive offer I referenced: $760M across 16 ye
ars. About an hour ago, one Yankee source said the team had made its final offer
. In the end, Soto took the highest offer & chose the Mets.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1733714387.A.AF6.html→ ericinttu1樓多一年 輸很大 12/09 11:20
Adam66132樓可以了啦 輸的不冤 12/09 11:20
→ s8800363樓至少有認真追到最後了…應該吧 12/09 11:20
→ panjanhon4樓760都輸 大谷打開天花板 下個極限球星不知是誰 12/09 11:20
same607105樓想說沒差很多 結果原來年份差一年 那就沒辦法XD 12/09 11:20
skypieadream6樓其實多不多1年好像沒差 40+不期不待 12/09 11:20
dragon8037樓跟炎柱大哥一樣 戰鬥到最後了= = 12/09 11:20
→ EEEEEEEnd148樓這價格也有誠意了 只是對面比較大台 12/09 11:20
BJshow9樓開到760M還輸 已經夠了 12/09 11:20
www9017310樓呃。代表沒給折扣 多這一年高機率也是底薪而已 12/09 11:20
→ jazon11樓洋基真的要落空了嗎 西語老師應該會有感漲價 12/09 11:21
→ GordonJordan12樓誠意有到了 12/09 11:21
windphilip13樓根本差一點點而已R 12/09 11:21
anomic2414樓這是加上激勵獎金之類的數額嗎? 12/09 11:21
ChrisDavis15樓對面運鈔車比較精煉一點 12/09 11:21
→ kandazin1816樓可以了 盡力惹Q 12/09 11:21
bmwnyy87091517樓可以了啦 對面真的太瘋 12/09 11:21
JackeyChen18樓有啦 錢包還是開了 12/09 11:21
k122219樓挖 洋基難得出16年 12/09 11:21
→ BJshow20樓後面那一年也是攤薪水用的 那時候Soto都40+了 沒差 12/09 11:21
→ slluu221樓爛 邪惡帝國名稱換人 12/09 11:21
Y199922樓大都會:凡人你盡力了 12/09 11:21
→ anomic2423樓但王電火太瘋了,真的打不贏QQ 12/09 11:21
Avalantar24樓不知道洋基開的是不是也有激勵條款 12/09 11:21
nigatsuki25樓也盡力了啦,梅子太扯 12/09 11:21
→ JackeyChen26樓但皇后區那個比你有錢 12/09 11:21
ricky969627樓誠意可以了 12/09 11:21
RodrigueZ81028樓這鍋貼我吃了 12/09 11:21
alcard2229樓算小老闆倒霉,想幹大事結果遇到王電火 12/09 11:21
dai2630樓塞翁失馬 12/09 11:22