[分享] 佐佐木朗希空降大聯盟國際新秀第一名



After his official posting, Roki Sasaki is No. 1 on the 2024 AND 2025 Top 50 Int
ernational Prospects lists.

Let us explain: atmlb.com/3Zre75m




Scouting grades: Fastball: 70 | Slider: 55 | Splitter: 70 | Control: 60 | Overal
l: 65

When it was reported that Sasaki would be posting to come to join the Major Leag
ue Baseball ranks, it created the kind of buzz not seen since fellow Japanese st
ar Shohei Ohtani came over in December of 2017. MLB teams have been waiting for
the chance to sign the talented right-hander since he burst on the global scene
and showcased his elite stuff in the World Baseball Classic at age 19.

Whenever Sasaki signs with a team, he’ll automatically become the best pitching
prospect in all of baseball, with the potential to have three plus pitches with
plus command and control. His heater has been up to 102 mph in the past and ave
raged 98.8 mph in 2023 with arm-side run, though there was a little concern with
a small dip in velocity (96.8 mph average) last season, and some scouts said it
was a little straighter compared with the ’23 version. Sasaki’s splitter is v
irtually unhittable, thrown in the 88-90 mph range. It’s a spin-killer and look
s like his fastball coming out of his hand, an offspeed offering that produced a
57.1 percent whiff rate in 2024. His slider is his third pitch, but it’s an ab
ove-average to plus offering that also misses a ton of bats.

Sasaki comes to Major League Baseball with a career 2.0 BB/9 rate, and he can la
nd all three of his pitches in the zone consistently. The only concern at all co
mes over the slight drop in velocity and overall stuff in 2024, but even if that
’s a new normal, it gives him frontline starter stuff ready for a big league ro
tation immediately.





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1733795420.A.6F7.html
mikilin231樓NO.1 12/10 09:50
zxc9063832樓就Paul SKenes等級的吧 12/10 09:51
zxc9063833樓這簽了就直接大聯盟練了 12/10 09:51
mikilin234樓即戰力阿.. 12/10 09:52
glenliu5樓想看跟Paul Skenes對決 12/10 09:52
mikilin236樓去道奇的話..2025/4/25~27有三連戰 道奇VS海盜 12/10 09:53
huangjyuan7樓直接3號先發都沒問題 12/10 09:54
WasJohnWall8樓今年下滑還有這種評價喔 蠻猛的 12/10 09:54
WasJohnWall9樓不過身高怎麼被砍了兩吋啊 12/10 09:55
cool841810樓說要入札之前各種嫌棄 真的入札各種吹捧 12/10 09:58
BJshow11樓還是很強啊 但就是看能不能適應大聯盟的輪值了 還是要去道 12/10 09:58
BJshow12樓奇組豪華日本人連線== 12/10 09:58
zxc90638313樓道奇有空間給他練啊 12/10 09:59
WasJohnWall14樓大谷當年是80、65、65、50的樣子 12/10 09:59
本人15樓美國人從來就沒有嫌棄他啊XD 12/10 10:00
tmlc16樓Skenes記得overall有70 12/10 10:00
GakkiMyWife17樓看過朗希現場 直球跟砲彈一樣 12/10 10:00
leoyeh18樓他不行。去大聯盟等著爆 12/10 10:01
本人19樓我看Skenes選秀時是給65分 12/10 10:02
a426813920樓跟大谷當年一樣空降第一 12/10 10:02
kumafez21樓唯一的隱憂就健康跟耐投度吧 既然決定這麼早去 12/10 10:02
本人22樓Fastball: 80 | Slider: 70 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 12/10 10:02
本人23樓55 | Overall: 65 12/10 10:02
kumafez24樓有沒有考慮蹲一下 12/10 10:02
mikilin2325樓連續18局無安打..要怎麼不行 12/10 10:02
mikilin2326樓他的硬實力就在那.. 12/10 10:03
tenshou27樓兩個70分也太強了吧 12/10 10:03
tenshou28樓直接三號先發實力超強 12/10 10:04
WasJohnWall29樓大谷當年投手Overall 70 12/10 10:04
WasJohnWall30樓不過狼鬼這是今年變鳥才這評分 12/10 10:05