Suzuki’s agent expresses discontent over role with Cubs
雖然鈴木誠也合約有NTC,但是他的經紀人 Joel Wolfe 對交易傳聞表示:
“Jed has been very communicative about it,” Joel Wolfe, Suzuki’s
agent, said on Tuesday morning at the Hilton Anatole Resort. “I
talked to him about it last night. He told me what teams they’ve
been talking to.
“I don’t think he wants to trade Seiya, but there may be a
scenario where he feels like he has a deal that he can’t say no
“Jed Hoyer (小熊總裁) 對此事的溝通一直非常順暢。”
“我昨晚和他談過這件事。 他告訴我他們一直在和哪些團隊討論。”
“Seiya was a great defender in Japan, so it’s not a compliment
to him being a DH,” Wolfe said. “I think that if he was being
posted in Japan, and teams were presenting to him their
opportunities, and they said, ‘You could come here and be our
full-time DH,’ I don’t think he would have signed with that
Wolfe, too, acknowledged a Suzuki trade isn’t a certainty,
especially with his no-trade clause.
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※ 文章網址:→ EZ781樓就說主要是要賣掉Cody 12/11 09:27
→ EZ782樓但就還沒賣掉= = 12/11 09:27
glenliu3樓如果老師真的留不住...換Seiya有機會嗎 12/11 09:27
GooglePlus4樓抓了波的頂尖防守者 12/11 09:28
→ WasJohnWall5樓但揉也右外也真的守不怎樣,但棒子夠 12/11 09:28
polanco6樓可是他在大聯盟的守 12/11 09:28 → polanco7樓備有點鳥 12/11 09:28
→ polanco8樓看另外一篇訪談 經紀 12/11 09:29 → polanco9樓人還有玩小宇宙梗 12/11 09:29
ouyt10樓頂尖防守者.....?? 要確定耶 12/11 09:30
chocobell11樓誠也的守備從第一年就開始被嫌 12/11 09:30
→ WasJohnWall12樓他三年只有去年OAA是正的,真的要丟就是丟左外了吧 12/11 09:32
c25197013樓Cody賣不掉只好找上你QWQ 12/11 09:33
moonzone14樓要不練內野 12/11 09:36
Nightking15樓他剛進職業是游擊手 12/11 09:38
anomic2416樓他在日本是頂尖防守者沒錯,但在美國的守備數據很明顯 12/11 09:39
→ anomic2417樓就不是啊 12/11 09:39
ouyt18樓看轉播就是抓惹波代表 12/11 09:42
→ EZ7819樓左外野有Ian Happ了 他金手套 12/11 09:43
→ EZ7820樓Seiya就三年第一年爛第二年還不錯第三年有點爛但大部分時間 12/11 09:44
→ EZ7821樓都在打DH 12/11 09:44
→ WasJohnWall22樓就小熊外野手套太好+他很破,換別的球隊可能會容忍他 12/11 09:45
→ WasJohnWall23樓手套破這樣 12/11 09:45
Anakin24樓好不好是跟聯盟平均比 12/11 09:46
→ WasJohnWall25樓PCA就不用說了,還有個花錢買的809 12/11 09:47
→ Anakin26樓用OAA看他的範圍很差,但是臂力好。DRS跟UZR都認為他很好 12/11 09:47
→ bkebke27樓他傳球還行吧 在日本記得不錯 12/11 09:47
→ bkebke28樓但好像脫線常掉球 12/11 09:47
→ EZ7829樓就 他常常有些莫名其妙的失誤 12/11 09:48
→ WasJohnWall30樓只看臂力他很好啊 12/11 09:48