[情報] 遊騎兵、紅襪都開190M給Max Fried




The Red Sox were at seven years at $190 million with a willingness to perhaps go
up, but also a plan to include deferrals.

The Rangers, though, became huge contenders. They had begun the process not beli
eving that they would be able to reach the financial stratosphere where Fried wa
s heading. But after its Zoom meeting, Texas officials decided to stretch.

The Rangers offered seven years at $190 million. But without a state tax, the va
lue of that contract was going to force the Yankees to do much better.

紅襪 7y/190M(願意再更高、但希望部份延遲付款)
條子 7y/190M(稅率優勢)



In a post-Soto world in which they wanted to begin to get on the board and move
forward, the Yankees were aggressive, again reiterating just how much Fried was
their priority.

They were at eight years at $210 million — Fried wanting the eighth season. The
Fried camp let the Yankees know that if they went to $218 million — $1 million
more than David Price’s record for a lefty starter (a seven-year deal signed i
n 2015) — that there would be no more shopping; that the Yankees would get Frie



如果加碼到218M,也就是打破David Price的217M左投最大約紀錄


Cashman reconnected with Hal Steinbrenner for authorization and received approva
l to move forward.

現金人就去聯絡老闆Hal Steinbrenner


The deal, which was pending a physical that was tentatively scheduled for Thursd
ay with then a press conference probably on Friday, would include a $20 million
signing bonus paid in two $10 million installments, one immediately and one next

Fried will receive $12 million in 2025 and 2026, and then $29 million annually o
ver the final six seasons.



2025 12M
2026 12M
2027 29M
2028 29M
2029 29M
2030 29M
2031 29M
2032 29M

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1733976584.A.42B.html
satsuki931001樓居然前兩年才12M嗎 12/12 12:11
yaes1112樓+8M就點頭 划 12/12 12:11
doa23樓還有20M簽約金啊 12/12 12:12
polanco4樓跟其他隊差距意外的小 12/12 12:12
lowl995樓阿炸要的金額也沒有誇張到哪裡去,跟Burnes比,可能Burnes 12/12 12:13
lowl996樓真的太貴 12/12 12:13
polanco7樓Burnes有在傳要240+的樣子 12/12 12:14
ChrisDavis8樓看來要的是一個象徵21.8 12/12 12:14
cplusplus4269樓看來本人很想加入洋基 也沒等其他人追 12/12 12:15
XnightmoonX10樓加碼到218可能有跟每一隊講,結果洋基最快回? 12/12 12:17
KyleBoros11樓前兩年12M明顯是清空間 12/12 12:20
takamiku12樓連談約都能這麼細用最大約左投加碼 12/12 12:24
WasJohnWall13樓Burnes要240+吧 12/12 12:24
taddy054014樓投手八年好抖~ 12/12 12:25
cross98011515樓看來就是要那個象徵 12/12 12:30
Diaw080316樓就是要個最大約左投的里程碑 12/12 12:32
lazuritechen17樓Burnes一定更高 他還有塞揚 12/12 12:33
nadleeh18樓就是要那個象徵 12/12 12:33
kuluya99719樓擺明要拼這兩年,Stanton合約到27年的樣子 12/12 12:39
Betances20樓這約真的有點盤 12/12 13:02
benboy21樓挺佛的 破左投紀錄就好 也是歷史留名了 12/12 13:03
yuchiehtsai22樓似乎太貴 12/12 13:08
ig4999923樓當你基盤子 還真的是 12/12 13:17
o01224樓你襪撿不到啦 12/12 13:21
lanchenchen25樓有點大張,但看好季賽威武 12/12 13:24
Minihil26樓Soto加了一堆簽不到 這個只要再加8M就來當然加 12/12 14:05
Diaw080327樓最大約右投目前是山本? 12/12 15:09
WellyT28樓投手長約都危險,容易受傷退化 12/12 15:16
LeehomLee29樓意思就是拚完兩年後剩下就當提前買醫療保險 12/12 15:44
aborwang30樓推Fried可能本人就偏洋基。這金額比我預想的低一點 12/12 16:07