[分享] Soto家人跟洋基球場保全發生的事





Soto and Boras also focused on issues off the field. The Yankees had worked to a
ccommodate Soto, but that had not been seamless. After Soto agreed to terms, rep
orts emerged that there had been an episode between Soto's father and the Yankee
s' security earlier in the season. Soto's father had gone to the clubhouse door
before a game, sources said, in the hope of bringing food to his eldest son. But
he was turned away, in a routine enforcement of rules that were put in place by
MLB in the aftermath of the steroid era; in some cases, personal trainers and s
ome family members were found to have served as PED mules.




Another time, someone intending to drive Soto home at the end of a game wanted t
o wait in a crowded parking lot, and the driver was told to stay outside the are
a until after the game, per team rules. (Neither Boone nor Cashman was made awar
e of the two security episodes until well after the World Series.)



The policing of ballpark and clubhouse access varies from organization to organi
zation, and when Sotowas with the Nationals and then the Padres, there was more
deference given to Soto and his family. After the Nationals' wild-card win in 2
019, Soto's father joined the on-field celebration almost immediately, in his ex
citement. "It's pretty clear that his family is really important to him," said a
team staffer, noting that Soto's family would enter a ballpark through the play
ers' lot, which is not common in most stadiums.




The Yankees' roster has long been filled with stars, and in almost all cases, pr
otocol is honored. With the Yankees, there is no facial hair, no free suites and
no special clubhouse access for the families of favored players. Derek Jeter, t
he captain, wasn't bestowed a private suite, because if Jeter had been given one
, well, then that treatment would be expected by other stars. The feeling in the
organization is that to do it another way was to invite problems. Through the y
ears, incoming players have said that the Yankees have been helpful and welcomin
g for families while maintaining workplace boundaries.






With the Mets, under Cohen, the culture is different. When Francisco Lindor was
acquired and signed his record-setting $341 million deal, some members of the cl
ubhouse were initially suspicious of his friendship with Cohen. But Cohen and hi
s wife, Alex, have extended themselves to others, inviting many of the Mets' pla
yers to their home. Alex Cohen has a consistent presence at Citi Field, and as C
ohen acknowledged, he typically spends time on the field about once a homestand.




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1734057534.A.438.html
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