Heard the Cubs offered Tanner Scott a 4-year contract at $66 million, prior to h
is agreement with the Dodgers.
@MLBNetwork @670TheScore
https://x.com/jonmorosi/status/1881147959053869109小熊在道奇與Tanner Scott達成協議之前開出4年66M的合約
Sources: Tanner Scott’s preferred destination was the Cubs, but Chicago was unw
illing to go to 4-years until the closing minutes of Scott Signing with the Dodg
LAD had a 4-year deal on the table for Scott for several weeks. They ultimately
landed Scott for $72 million
The Red Sox did stay in touch with Scott throughout the winter, sources said, bu
t the suggestion that Boston offered more than the Dodgers in terms of both year
s and AAV was described as “very inaccurate” by someone with knowledge of the
process Sunday afternoon. The Red Sox were thought to be wary of going to four y
ears for Scott, who will be 34 at the end of the season.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1737341265.A.B7A.html→ basala54171樓晚了 01/20 10:49
Fifteam2樓道奇明明都開最高,不知道為啥要嘴延遲支付? 01/20 10:50
→ lmc663樓道奇誠意就是比較滿 小熊像在買菜慢慢加 01/20 10:50
Texsogood4樓算上延遲支付不一定是最高吧 01/20 10:50
w06yk6m45樓晚了還差6M,傻子才去 01/20 10:51
→ ashilol6樓你這團不夠大 01/20 10:51
BlGP7樓美國爪爪 01/20 10:52
k12228樓晚了就不要了 01/20 10:52
Yjizz9樓紅襪的是多少? 01/20 10:53
amos3062710樓牛簽到那麼高價 道奇也是很敢 01/20 10:54
railman11樓小熊怎麼不加碼?== 01/20 10:54
→ Yjizz12樓隔壁看到之前那個5Y數字好像是錯的? 01/20 10:54
HUNGGUM13樓慢慢擠牙膏吧,晚了慢走不送 01/20 10:55
→ trialmoon14樓芝加哥ㄉ稅本來就跟LA差不多了 還不多加一點 01/20 10:55
Bengold15樓最主要這鐵牛是同區教士隊的 所以道奇能挖來不只是大補強 01/20 10:56
→ Bengold16樓還同時又能削弱同區最強競爭對手 01/20 10:57
→ Diaw080317樓還以為襪襪開最高 結果也不是 01/20 11:00
lsd2596818樓照報導看來躲人一開始就放出最大誠意了 你還在那邊慢慢 01/20 11:00
→ lsd2596819樓加 搶輸原因不會只是躲人車比較大台而已== 01/20 11:00
Adam661320樓誠意滿滿又是最大團 哪有不選躲人的道理 01/20 11:02
csticker21樓開比人家少還最後才加碼 不久前才看過 01/20 11:02
colalight22樓不管啦 降薪抱團 01/20 11:06
aiyoway23樓15樓 FA就不能算挖了吧,畢竟又不是一定要回教士 01/20 11:06
nadleeh24樓實拿多少 01/20 11:08
pieceioriX25樓誠意差超多 別怪人家上車 01/20 11:12
Fifteam26樓算上延遲支付跟其他隊最高差不多條件不就比較好 01/20 11:14
worf27樓又延遲@@ 01/20 11:18
→ cplusplus42628樓總額輸 拿不到正常 01/20 11:19
→ xo110029樓美國吱吱 01/20 11:25
Romulus30樓$$$$$$ 01/20 11:32