[情報] 儘管漲價,光芒:我們季票賣很好




Some fans are upset with Rays ticket price hike, others are buying in

Some Rays season ticket members have been upset that comparable seats to what th
ey had at Tropicana Field are going to cost them more — in some cases more than
double — at the team’s 2025 interim home at Steinbrenner Field.

光芒因為球場被颶風搞爆,所以今年搬去George M. Steinbrenner球場



They have taken to the phone, email and social media to rant and rage, accusing
the team of being greedy, shameful, opportunistic



But not everyone has been unhappy.


In the first few weeks of season-ticket renewals and sales, the Rays have found
business for the most expensive seating areas at the Tampa stadium — the pricie
st of which is $29,970 per seat ($370 per game), and includes comfy seats, unlim
ited food, beer, wine, soft drinks and access to a private club — to be quite g






“The premium seating areas that we came out with first have sold really well,”
Rays chief business officer Bill Walsh said last week. “There’s really just a
couple of seats left in a few of these areas, and many of them are selling thro
ugh really strongly.



“So we’ve been happy with what the market has told us in terms of sales and fe
edback. We’ll continue to move through the process, and we can make adjustments
as we go, too.”


A look through the Rays ticketing website Tuesday showed Walsh to be pretty much
right. Based on that data, the Rays have sold:



‧ All 104 Dugout Club seats at $29,970 for the 52 in the front row and $26,325
for the second row

‧ Most (117 of 129) of the Home Plate Boxes seats at $22,275

‧ Most (142 of 168) Loge Boxes seats at $14,175.

Sales of Field and Fieldside Boxes, with price tags of $19,485, $17,415 and $15,
795, have not been as strong overall. Those seats include the first rows of the
19 lower-level sections, but some are behind up to four rows of premium box seat

The website also shows that other recently added lower-level seats — from basic
ally behind first base to behind third — do look to be more than half sold at p
rice points of $10,125 ($125 per game) and $8,910 ($110).


$29,970、$26,325 :104個都完售

$22,275 :129個賣了117個

$14,175 : 168個賣了142個


然後$10,125 、$8,910賣超過一半

Even more so is the limited number of seats available. Not counting the upper de
ck, the Rays had a capacity of 25,025 at Tropicana Field, which is unavailable d
ue to Hurricane Milton damage. The listed capacity of Steinbrenner Field — the
spring home of the Yankees — is 11,026, though that includes standing room area
s, and there are fewer than 10,000 fixed seats.


Tropicana Field:25,025

Steinbrenner Field :11,026(扣掉站區、固定位置不到10000)


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1737518921.A.E54.html
railman1樓美國人好有錢@@ 01/22 12:10
ben827262樓貴從來不是商品的缺點 01/22 12:12
d123xxx3樓我住那我也想買 天天看我芒根本夢幻生活 01/22 12:12
terminator34樓那個純品康納 我們不要了 01/22 12:13
fairymomo5樓老黃有說過(並沒有 01/22 12:13
saiulbb6樓唉,我好想去看球,可是經濟能力不允許 01/22 12:14
ji4mp67樓座位變少怎麼辦?那就加價賣囉 該收多少還是要收多少 01/22 12:14
amos306278樓光世代 01/22 12:16
xo11009樓結果在叫的通常都是____ 01/22 12:18
HOPEFIRE10樓這球場位置好太多了 01/22 12:21
trialmoon11樓主要是位置太好了 原本不常看得都跑來買季票 01/22 12:22
jahen12樓我有錢的話也會買 每場到現場看球吃喝到飽超爽 01/22 12:22
pimachu13樓不好意思 3A球場 但我們票加價賣 01/22 12:22
AhCheng14樓搬來這邊好了 01/22 12:25
xo110015樓光芒:球場修慢一點 品質把關重要 01/22 12:25
catsondbs16樓距離像是洲際換成台南 01/22 12:29
water90317樓借的球場地理位子不錯 01/22 12:29
gt1234518樓在機場旁邊不會很吵嗎XD 01/22 12:30
macair19樓價格敏感型球迷還是會含淚刷卡的 01/22 12:39
hanx556620樓如果住離球場很近感覺很不錯 有免費食物和酒 01/22 12:43
black245321樓貴是我的缺點 哭了 01/22 12:43
Minihil22樓對附近的球迷來說是從看3A比賽變成可以看MLB比賽 01/22 12:45
srysry23樓那是洋基 A層級 球隊的主場... 01/22 13:05
Minihil24樓原來是A.. 01/22 13:15
lightjayjw25樓Tropicana Field現在還在維修,先借洋基小聯盟的場地 01/22 13:22
ken72033126樓爽死 01/22 13:23
JonaGoGo27樓這球場地點反而比較好 賣得好真的不意外 01/22 14:10
F9393528樓死忠的 01/22 14:31
darknote29樓季票持有者不是會拿優先購買季後賽球票的資格?賣得好正 01/22 14:47
darknote30樓常吧 01/22 14:48