[情報] Mariano Rivera 和老婆被指控包庇兒童性




A lawsuit claims Yankees Hall of Fame closer Mariano Rivera and his wife covered
up the sexual abuse of a 10-year-old girl member of their New Rochelle church o
n a Florida retreat and then facilitated further abuse of the girl at their home
in Rye.


According to the lawsuit, the girl grew up attending the church and in 2018, Cla
ra Rivera, the senior pastor, convinced the girl's mother to send her to a summe
r internship program at an affiliated church, Ignite Life Center, in Gainesville



There she was allegedly sexually abused on multiple occasions in the dormitory a
nd the showers by a teenage girl identified in the lawsuit only as MG.


Three years later, according to the lawsuit, she was sexually abused by a youth
leader at the church, Ruben Tavarez Jr., son of the associate pastor. The abuse
continued for months and included "graphic electronic communications of a sexual
nature," ending only when he was confronted by the girl's mother, according to
the lawsuit.


When the mother became concerned that something was wrong, she contacted Clara R
ivera, who assured her she would look into it. The Riveras then went to Gainesvi
lle, according to the lawsuit.



But instead of investigating the situation or ending the sexual abuse, according
to the lawsuit, the couple focused on avoiding any potential scandal and assure
d the mother everything was fine.




"The Riveras each separately isolated and intimidated Jane A Doe to remain silen
tabout her negative experiences at the summer internship, including her abuse by
MG, to avoidcausing trouble for Refugio and the Ignite Life Summer Internship,"
the lawsuit reads.






※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1737595009.A.19E.html
a56879201樓完蛋了 沾到這個議題 不管有沒有錯 人生都毀了 01/23 09:17
railman2樓關李維拉什麼事? 01/23 09:18
kawhizaza3樓有權勢的人選擇包庇 怎麼會不關他的事? 01/23 09:19
c12847664樓所以是一個教會有性侵 然後李維拉袒護該教會嗎?? 01/23 09:19
c12847665樓抱歉 打錯 包庇 01/23 09:19
EZ786樓他老婆是那個教會的高階牧師 他帶那個小朋友去教會的 01/23 09:20
Axwell7樓讓子彈飛一下 01/23 09:20
kawhizaza8樓他老婆辦的活動 01/23 09:20
EZ789樓他本人可能沒問題 他老婆八成有問題 01/23 09:22
davidex10樓老婆幹啥扯到本人頭上? 01/23 09:22
s4862511樓也太噁了吧… 01/23 09:23
kay073112樓知道DEI 沒了 現在跳出來指控 讓子彈飛 01/23 09:24
Jaguarsu13樓目前這樣看,他老婆可能有點問題 01/23 09:24
poz9314樓名人堂要變沒人全票了嗎 01/23 09:25
Cassious15樓MLB版的文章是說李維拉和他老婆被控訴在全然知情的情況 01/23 09:26
Cassious16樓下,包庇加害者並恐嚇受害者及其父母,且在教會下封口令 01/23 09:26
Cassious17樓,目前傳出來的照該文章說法是這樣 01/23 09:26
Cassious18樓當然實情如何不得而知 01/23 09:27
qpeter19樓有前例嗎? 入選名人堂後 又被摘下來的? 01/23 09:27
bdgnrd010320樓說個笑話:這咖聖人堂全票 01/23 09:28
Y199921樓他老婆應該跑不掉,李維拉有沒有問題要再看看 01/23 09:28
kawhizaza22樓壞名聲不准傳出去 這很共產 01/23 09:28
kawhizaza23樓幾乎是有問題了啦 粉絲濾鏡可以拿掉... 01/23 09:29
jshuang24樓管理層包庇,炸開一樣有事,你看某島國電視台現在被抽光 01/23 09:29
kevinsun042325樓李維拉真的救援了 01/23 09:30
Romulus26樓先被女同然後被羅力空?這是什麼魔性之女嗎 01/23 09:30
adwn27樓哇靠,出大事了 01/23 09:31
hao556628樓叫維拉的都會出事 01/23 09:32
ct1357929樓女生性侵女生是什麽邏輯 01/23 09:32
kenkenken3130樓買過他自傳,他信仰太虔誠,應該是包庇犯罪的底層邏輯 01/23 09:33