跟前面那篇問朗希要當KD還是MJ的出處一樣,都是Jeff Passan昨天寫的朗希簽約過程內幕
The third came down to the Toronto Blue Jays, Texas Rangers, Chicago Cubs and Ne
w York Yankees -- four other teams whose years of work in Japan and history with
Japanese players spoke to an understanding of Sasaki and his desires. The rappo
rt built with Toronto's international scouting apparatus won the Blue Jays the t
hird finalist slot.
Toronto impressed Sasaki with its answer to a burning question: Why had his sizz
ling fastball lost velocity in 2024? The explanation from Frank Herrmann, a Blue
Jays baseball operations staffer who had pitched in the big leagues and was Sas
aki's teammate with the Chiba Lotte Marines, and Sam Greene, the Blue Jays' assi
stant pitching coach, blended a discussion of data, mechanics and feel that boos
ted their pursuit. Sasaki spent multiple days in Toronto, and as he departed, th
e Blue Jays were confident that whatever advantages the Dodgers might have, they
were surmountable.
該報告是由前大聯盟球員兼朗希羅德前隊友Frank Herrmann(目前在藍鳥隊的棒球營運部門
工作)以及藍鳥的助理投手教練 Sam Greene所做