Section 3 Character and Conduct of the CCA Mechanics Manual for Baseball,
https://bit.ly/3LiNJVO The Southland Conference is committed to promoting and enforcing
the principles and standards of good sporting conduct in
connection with all Conference activities involving our member
institutions, including competition against non-conference
opponents. The Conference expects this conduct to be upheld by all
game participants.
After a thorough review of the New Orleans and Mississippi Valley
State baseball contest on March 10, 2023, the Southland Conference
confirmed the home plate umpire's conduct and actions were deemed
detrimental to the Conference and in violation of Section 3
Character and Conduct of the CCA Mechanics Manual for Baseball.
As a result, the umpire has been removed from the series and has
been suspended indefinitely from Southland Conference baseball
The conference will have no further comment.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1678669239.A.881.htmlpolanco1樓反觀大聯盟裁判 03/13 09:02
jack340312樓他們是不是有私人恩怨 03/13 09:03
cuteSquirrel3樓反觀某位 03/13 09:03
sam920844樓這個看起來很明顯就是故意的了 03/13 09:03
shortoneal5樓這個修憨 03/13 09:04
double59156樓話說那個自己哪休直接沒收比賽判某高中贏的還有在判嗎 03/13 09:05
njnjy7樓中職裁判真的很好了 還能讓球員在那邊結屎臉 03/13 09:05
www115ui88樓被情緒影響判決 03/13 09:05
→ jim124419樓太扯了這判決 03/13 09:05
→ njnjy10樓美國有的唸幾句就叫你滾出去了 03/13 09:05
tom8011411樓Joe Nathan:wow~~ 03/13 09:06
iam071812樓一朗比一下就被趕出場了 03/13 09:08
aobocodo200413樓太離譜,看起來是故意的 03/13 09:09
bmwnyy87091514樓太扯 03/13 09:12
victor8771015樓這擺明就想搞人 03/13 09:16
iwinlottery16樓其實直接趕出去就好 03/13 09:22
anonym1917樓三振根本故意的吧 好扯 03/13 09:24
Johnnyyang18樓反觀某主審 03/13 09:25
mayshun19樓某些乙組裁判表示… 03/13 09:25
avcddd20樓打者抗議動作太大 下一個直接婊你 這種應該直接開除吧 03/13 09:29
RealWill21樓因為前一球打者跳腳,裁判不爽後一球亂判吧。不小心一時 03/13 09:32
→ RealWill22樓眼花判錯不會罰這麼重,被認定是故意的才會永久禁賽, 03/13 09:32
sunev23樓捕手還幫勸... 03/13 09:42
marx9352124樓捕手是怕打者抓狂先去按住他吧 投捕也知道這判決多扯 03/13 09:43
frf2pujols1725樓笑死 裁判趕著上酒店喔 03/13 09:54
Georgebuy26樓反觀某Mark 03/13 09:54
taddy054027樓這種能不小心判錯的話,終身禁賽也合理 03/13 10:05
anper28樓這裁判眼睛瞎了是不是 03/13 10:11
korzen29樓捕手當然要上去幫勸啊 自己也知道這球判好多扯 怕他尻過去 03/13 10:11
kid850030樓哇賽這好球帶延伸到地平線以下了是吧 03/13 10:29