[新聞] 前英國首相測試FSD










Tesla's autonomous technology, primarily driven by its Full Self-Driving (FSD)
system, represents the pinnacle of automotive innovation. Leveraging advanced
software, artificial intelligence, and a suite of sensors, Tesla vehicles can
navigate complex environments with minimal human intervention. This groundbre
aking technology has garnered significant global attention, positioning Tesla
as a leader in the race towards fully autonomous driving. Enthusiasts and expe
rts alike are captivated by the potential of Tesla's autonomous systems to rev
olutionise transportation, offering enhanced safety, efficiency, and convenien
A recent high-profile demonstration of Tesla's FSD capabilities involved forme
r U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Johnson, along with his wife and 10-month
-old baby, experienced Tesla’s FSD firsthand while driving around the streets
of Los Angeles. Johnson shared his experience in his Daily Mail column, expre
ssing both astonishment and admiration for the technology.

“We are about to be conveyed in a new type of car, so preposterous, so audaci
ous, so revolutionary that ten years ago I would have refused to believe that
it was possible," Johnson remarked. “Maybe on some test track; maybe in lab c
onditions – but I never expected to see it in the heavy traffic of a major ur
ban centre."

Johnson highlighted the car’s numerous tiny cameras, seamlessly integrated in
to the vehicle’s sleek white bodywork, and its neural system, which he referr
ed to as an “electronic brain." Astonished by the “phantom" driving, Johnson
described his experience: “I am sitting at the wheel, but not touching it, a
nd though my feet are near the pedals, I am not using them – and oh my word,
the steering wheel is twiddling itself."
As the Tesla vehicle navigated through various scenarios, including a challeng
ing intersection where five roads converged, Johnson’s initial concerns were
quickly allayed by the car’s performance. “With impeccable good manners, giv
ing all other vehicles plenty of notice, we turn left, and I become so relaxed
that I am able to take in the boldness of Tesla's plan," he noted.
Comparing Tesla’s technology to Waymo’s driverless vehicles operating in Los
Angeles, Johnson pointed out that while Waymo's cars are restricted to specif
ic pre-mapped areas, Tesla's vehicles, equipped with advanced cameras and neur
al networks, have the potential to navigate anywhere once fully licensed and a
pproved. A Tesla representative informed Johnson that the vehicle was five to
six times safer than a human driver.

Johnson also recounted an incident during the drive when a pedestrian slowly w
alked in front of the vehicle. “Instinctively I reach for the wheel; my toe t
witches for the brake; but I need not have worried," he recalled. The car had
the pedestrian under observation, indicated by a “tiny human figurine that ap
peared on the electronic streetscape on the dashboard."
After a 45-minute drive, Johnson passed his verdict on Tesla’s driverless car
, stating that it passed with flying colours. His enthusiastic endorsement hig
hlights the transformative potential of Tesla’s FSD technology and its impact
on the future of transportation.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1716266257.A.4CC.html
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bmw530li2樓搶方向盤的時候再說科科 05/21 12:43
bmw530li3樓就各種唬外行,冗餘搞定前根本拿不到牌,想搞民粹凹監 05/21 12:45
bmw530li4樓管為你開門…先把方向盤拿掉不給人搶再說 05/21 12:45
XXXXBANG5樓好棒 什麼時候開放lv5 05/21 12:45
sted01016樓一堆崩潰 05/21 13:01
Killercat7樓就Boris啊 05/21 13:04
Killercat8樓這首相的名字已經是數一數二好唸了 Boris Johnson 05/21 13:05
highca07099樓哈哈 一堆特黑崩潰 爽 05/21 13:18
ShaNe199310樓上面好多崩潰 05/21 13:25
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StarburyX13樓今天影片robotaxi 還真的沒有方向盤 05/21 14:46
StarburyX14樓現在特 就是靠民意讓監管讓步 啊 沒錯 05/21 14:47
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