[新聞] Toyota offers to repurchase bZ4x unit



Toyota offers to repurchase bZ4x units from owners amid safety recall


Toyota has sent out a letter to bZ4X owners updating them about the company’s o
ngoing attempts to address a safety recall on the all-electric crossover. Toyota
has offered a number of options for its EV owners, even noting that it would re
purchase bZ4X units if needed.

Last June, Toyota initiated a recall on the bZ4X, its first mass-produced all-el
ectric SUV that’s designed to take on market leaders like the Tesla Model Y. Ac
cording to the company, the safety recall is due to the bZ4X’s wheels, which ma
y fall off due to an issue with the bolts that connect them to the vehicle.

Toyota highlighted that it is still in the middle of finding a remedy for its bZ
4X’s safety issues, but owners could rest assured that the company would do wha
t it can to address the vehicle’s faults. The Japanese automaker also noted tha
t bZ4X owners should not drive their electric cars until a fix is available.

As could be seen in Toyota’s letter, which was shared on social media, the auto
maker is giving owners a number of options about what they can do while their bZ
4x’s safety recall is still being addressed. Following is the text from the let
ter, as shared by u/fc0romero in the r/BZ4X subreddit.

We recently advised you of a safety recall that involves your 2023 Toyota bZ4X a
nd continue to ask that you not allow the vehicle to be driven until a remedy is
available. We are working diligently on a remedy and will notify you in the fut
ure when it becomes available.

At Toyota, your safety is a top priority. If you have not already done so, pleas
e contact any authorized Toyota Dealer and they will arrange to pick up and stor
e your vehicle, at no cost, until the remedy is available. We will also provide
a loaner vehicle at no cost to you.

We place a high value on the guest experience and recognize the inconvenience pr
esented by this situation. Therefore, Toyota is offering affected owners the fol
lowing until the remedy is available:

Continue to provide a loaner vehicle, and store your vehicle, at no cost
Reimburse your fueling costs incurred while operating the provided loaner vehicl
Provide you with a total credit of $5,000 toward payments of your loan/lease or
purchase price if the vehicle was paid in full
Provide additional time for complimentary charging at all EVgo-owned and operate
d public stations nationwide through December 31, 2024
Provide an extension to your vehicle’s New Vehicle Limited Warranty based on th
e period of time that your vehicle is not able to be driven due to the recall (f
rom the recall announcement date of June 23, 22 through a date in the future whe
n the remedy is announced)
Alternatively, if you do not wish to proceed as described above, Toyota will off
er to repurchase your vehicle. The terms of the repurchase may vary, depending o
n your state and particular circumstances.

A bZ4X specialist will reach out to you in the coming days to discuss these opti
ons. Should you wish to speak with someone sooner, please contact us…

We sincerely regret any inconvenience this condition may have caused you.

-Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A.

Toyota’s letter has received varying responses from owners. In the r/bZ4X subre
ddit, a number of owners noted that they would be getting the $5,000 credit offe
red by the Japanese automaker. After all, if Toyota cannot address the all-elect
ric vehicle’s issues, the company’s offer to repurchase bZ4X units is still a
great option.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1659527274.A.38A.html
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