[新聞] KIA車禍被擊飛




是的不是擊落 是被擊飛



我有一次開車聽警廣 說有輪胎掉出來在國道上滾

結果前車換車道 那顆輪胎就在我前面

還好滾動跟車子等速 就看它慢慢滾到路肩




A freak accident worthy of a Final Destination movie was recorded by a Tesla
dashcam on the 118 Freeway near Los Angeles in California. The driver of a
first-generation Kia Soul was minding their own business when a loose wheel
from a modified Chevrolet Silverado smashed into the small boxy hatchback.
The poor soul (pun intended) driving the Kia was the victim of exceptionally
bad timing and quite likely a faulty wheel spacer and/or lug nut.

The front-left wheel that detached from the lifted and widened truck
catapulted the Soul up in the air in an impromptu stunt suitable for a
Burnout video game. The subcompact hatch spun into the air and eventually
landed back on all four wheels. To make matters worse, the Silverado's loose
wheel came back to the scene of the crime and hit the Kia yet again, this
time colliding with the vehicle's rear.

According to Twitter user Anoop_Khatra who drove the Tesla that recorded the
peculiar incident, the person behind the wheel of the Kia got out of the car
without any serious injuries. Thankfully, there weren't any passengers inside
the vehicle. We can see the Tesla suddenly swerving to the right to avoid the
rogue tire as the driver says Autopilot was active.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1679961921.A.C6E.html
k300plus1樓輪子最後還回來補刀www 03/28 08:10
leo2551122樓我靠.....整台飛起來 03/28 08:11
andygogogo3樓真的台語Kia ~ 03/28 08:13
mimix19864樓這種是要怎麼防啊…?根本絕命終結站? 03/28 08:14
ray56075樓這馬力歐賽車吧XDD還有道具可以丟 03/28 08:15
ray56076樓人沒事也太扯 03/28 08:16
azureashin7樓這是什麼必殺技? 03/28 08:22
ppegg8樓TSLA防住了,提早右偏滿厲害的,別家的不知道有沒有 03/28 08:29
ppegg9樓辦法偵測到這種 03/28 08:30
SungHyun10樓韓國車這個質量...還是不要碰好了 03/28 08:32
gx990082411樓喵喵可愛 跳高高 03/28 08:33
sdiaa12樓KIA這字就就不吉祥阿XD KILLED IN ACCIDENT 03/28 08:33
xp1224n13樓拍電影啊 整個起飛欸 03/28 08:34
Anderson081914樓超能輪胎殺人事件 03/28 08:39
Qorqios15樓 03/28 08:40
windowdoor16樓好扯 03/28 08:42
optima17樓特效嗎? 03/28 08:45
babyMclaren18樓Killed in action 03/28 08:46
ZO2019樓這部我看過 03/28 08:46
Tahuiyuan20樓聽說韓國車躲不掉輪胎還會被擊飛 03/28 08:47
justin33280521樓保桿直接撞破,輪胎衝入底盤 03/28 08:47
justin33280522樓直接被頂起來XD 03/28 08:47
klementhsu23樓說支那語的人品質應該也高不到哪去 03/28 08:49
dslite24樓底盤高的缺點? 03/28 08:51
MK4725樓這樣人還沒事?蠻屌的 03/28 08:53
revolt061126樓笑死 03/28 08:53
yasionl27樓iihs 要加入輪胎正面撞擊項目了 03/28 08:54
LianD28樓滾回來還補一下 好慘 03/28 08:58
slimfat020229樓這精準說不算擊飛,這算坐飛機 03/28 09:00
g3142117330樓超像遊戲使用道具的... 這招式 還有受招的擊飛 ... 03/28 09:04
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