[新聞] FTX to file for U.S. bankruptcy prote



FTX to file for U.S. bankruptcy protection, CEO Bankman-Fried resigns

Nov 11 (Reuters) - FTX will initiate bankruptcy proceedings in the United States
while its Chief Executive Sam Bankman-Fried resigned, the embattled cryptocurre
ncy exchange said on Friday, triggering what could be one of the biggest meltdow
ns in the industry.

The announcements, made on the company's Twitter handle, come days after larger
rival Binance walked away from a proposed acquisition and left it scrambling to
raise about $9.4 billion from investors and rivals.

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Bankman-Fried's trading firm Alameda Research is also part of the bankruptcy pro
tection, the company said. Sources have said that it was partly behind FTX's pro
blems and reportedly owes FTX roughly $10 billion.

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FTX's collapse marks a stunning reversal of fortunes for the company and its fou
nder Sam Bankman-Fried, who until recently was hailed as a "white knight" and dr
ew comparisons to billionaire Warren Buffett.

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It also raises questions about the future of smaller firms like BlockFi and bank
rupt crypto lender Voyager Digital, which had signed rescue packages with FTX af
ter the spectacular crash of TerraUSD in May pushed many companies to the brink
of collapse.

FTX was seeking a lifeline after a liquidity crunch due to customers withdrawing
funds at a frenetic pace. It also fans concerns about the future of the crypto
industry, which faces an uphill task of regaining favor among retail investors.
破產了 我需要上山思考人生...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1668177568.A.74A.html
veter1樓 11/11 22:40
gR7P4zXH2樓 11/11 22:40
sbob3樓FTX.us也破產了~ 11/11 22:42
CARLORFFLIN4樓接下來就是其他機構連環爆炸?快提現吧別再鐵齒齒齒齒 11/11 22:44
atten5樓慘,要演變為風暴了嗎 11/11 22:47
veter6樓說風暴還太早,如果cz不搞他,等婁子越來越大的時候才恐怖 11/11 22:52
hkh01177樓 11/11 22:54
sacola8樓所以ftx.us是為什麼破產? 不是100%儲備嗎 11/11 22:54
CityRanger9樓5555+~那張超哭 11/11 22:55
yesonline10樓該不會有台灣孫割受害者??相信FTX.US良好監管與儲備? 11/11 22:57
shamanlin11樓這不能叫cz搞他了,cz根本是白騎士了 11/11 22:58
shamanlin12樓CZ還直接公開放話提醒所有人逃耶 11/11 22:59
shortoneal13樓上山OK,別跳就好 11/11 23:00
我損失的相對其他人應該不算什麼 不至於 只是對幣圈信心有點崩
f125121814樓還是要有信心啦,改用錢包,改玩鏈上,會發現不一樣的 11/11 23:03
f125121815樓天空,加油 11/11 23:03
usoppp16樓幣安不遠了 11/11 23:08
Killercat17樓我是不太懂為什麼FTT當初很多人推,這個專搞華盛頓政治 11/11 23:08
Killercat18樓圈的根本就是毒瘤,任何東西跟遊說扯上關係一定會壞掉 11/11 23:09
veter19樓因為認為能遊說代表政商關係好阿 11/11 23:09
Bewho20樓一個做生意的自稱利他主義者,私底下搞掏空,被揭穿就玩政 11/11 23:19
Bewho21樓治手段,活該爆炸,對長遠來說越早被踢出局越好 11/11 23:19
ilw4e22樓看是申請chapter幾 11/11 23:21
mrclotfamily23樓 11/11 23:24
yuhnoesty1824樓下一個幣安 快撤 11/11 23:27
CARLORFFLIN25樓Bybit上面還有錢錢的快撤阿 11/11 23:30
Qidu26樓ftx 推是因為法幣出金無限額 11/11 23:32
rockyao27樓CELSIUS也是Ch.11啊 11/11 23:32
shortoneal28樓我查bybit結果google寫永久停業? 11/11 23:34
veter29樓笑爛現在到底是怎樣啊 11/11 23:37
shortoneal30樓喔喔好像是台灣的裁光的樣子,早就裁了 11/11 23:43
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