: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgYBqrIZi90 : Starlight怎麼長相變這樣.... : 據說這季 劇組花了 超多錢做特效 讓starlight看起來沒那麼噁心 : 然後最後一集 Homelander大勝利 : 太好了 希望第五季 把它們全部趕盡殺絕 : 我完全同意 變形人 把Starlight拴住時 解讀她的那些話 : Starlight就是個偽善者 : 然後現實中的Starlight aka Erin 就100% 劇中Starlight媽媽 想要的樣子 : 有夠奇怪 : Erin went from one of the prettiest people on the show to one of the scariest : Its so wild that erin lies about getting plastic surgery. She went from : Starlight to Gaslight wtf. : Erin became everything Stargirl’s showmom wanted her to become