[新聞] CNN: 民主黨賀錦麗操作社群誤導選民




Daniel Dale

Harris campaign social media account has repeatedly deceived with misleading
edits and captions

A social media account run by Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign has
been repeatedly deceptive.

The @KamalaHQ account, which has more than 1.3 million followers on the X
social media platform formerly known as Twitter, has made a habit of
misleadingly clipping and inaccurately captioning video clips to attack
former President Donald Trump.
(KamalaHQ賀錦麗官方X帳號, 一百三十萬追隨者,連續發布與川普有關錯誤誤導影片)

The Harris campaign deploys @KamalaHQ as a kind of irreverent attack dog,
using jocular posts to draw attention to controversial, incorrect, or dubious
comments by Trump and his allies. But the account, which the Harris campaign
calls its “official rapid response page,” has itself made inaccurate
comments on multiple occasions.

Below are eight examples of false or misleading video posts from the account
since mid-August, including three from the latter part of this week. All of
them have previously been highlighted by an anonymous rebuttal account called
@KamalaHQLies, which itself has more than 268,000 followers.

On Thursday, the @KamalaHQ account made a new attempt to suggest that Trump
was confused about his location. Its post said, “Trump: ‘Pennsylvania,
remember this when you have to go to vote’ (He is in Arizona).” It included
an eight-second clip of Trump saying in a Tucson speech, “So Pennsylvania,
remember this when you have to go to vote, okay, just remember this: 2,000%
increase. This is a small —…”

The Instagram post of this remark, too, was more explicit than the X post; on
Instagram, the Harris campaign added text over top the video that read, “
Trump forgets which state he is in (again).”But Trump, again, had not forgotten which state he was in.

The extended footage shows that the Harris campaign clipped out critical
context: Trump was talking about immigration, a key topic in Arizona, and had
just read a part of his prepared text about how a small Pennsylvania town has
“experienced a 2,000% increase in the population of Haitian migrants under
Kamala Harris.” He then added, “So Pennsylvania, remember this when you
have to go to vote, okay, just remember this: 2,000% increase, this is a
small town; of all a sudden they got thousands of people.”

One could try to argue it’s odd for Trump to make a direct appeal to
Pennsylvanians while speaking in Arizona. But Trump’s remarks anywhere in
the country are broadcast to voters everywhere in the country, and,
regardless, @KamalaHQ eliminated the context that would allow people to
develop an informed opinion on this remark.

The Harris campaign declined to comment on this @KamalaHQ post.



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cosplay3142樓台灣領先一步 拍謝 09/16 23:48
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09/16 23:53
xBox1Pro14樓超好笑,賀錦麗比蔡英文還沒料 09/16 23:53
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xBox1Pro29樓是拜登搞到退選了,媒體網軍才開始洗的 09/17 00:27
yeng121730樓想學ㄘㄨㄚˋ英文? 09/17 00:27