[問卦] Re: [求助]我哥在印度回不來



: 我哥於前年8 月從印度出境被查獲攜帶超額美金,以致護照被扣,同行共5 人印度官方一
: 以偵查為由不移送法院審判,故一直無法判決,也無法離境,我駐印度代表處人員表示因
: 法問題無法介入,但護照被扣,無法租屋或住宿旅店,請求協助都置之不理,甚至其中一
: 女性被欺辱,在警局自己要自費請翻譯,也不提供幫忙,現在疫情這麼嚴重,居無定所,
: 哥目前已有感冒症狀,不曉得能撐多久,這已是人命關天的問題了。
: 目前我家人在台灣也有嘗試請求外交部亞太司幫忙,但得到的答覆也是他們無法處理。
: 實在沒有辦法了,故po網路上尋求幫助。
: 希望能救救這5 條生命。拜託了。

來自印度第三大的時報社Hindustan Times



標題:5 Chinese nationals caught smuggling American dollars worth Rs. 3.2 crore五個中國人被查獲走私價值三千兩百萬盧比的美金

DRI officers said the five persons, all of whom are from Taiwan, confessed they are part of a larger syndicate which involves smugglers of foreign-origin gold into India and smuggling the money acquired by selling the gold out of the country.



Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) on Wednesday arrested five Chinese passengers for allegedly trying to smuggle American dollars worth Rs. 3.2 crore out of the country.

DRI officers said the five persons, all of whom are from Taiwan, confessed they are part of a larger syndicate which involves smugglers of foreign-origin gold into India and smuggling the money acquired by selling the gold out of the country.

According to DRI officials, the five suspects, two of whom are women, were intercepted at Terminal 3(T3) of the Indira Gandhi International airport minutes before they were about to depart for Hong Kong. One of the suspects is a civil engineer by profession, they added.

“The passengers were asked to cooperate for a detailed baggage check. While checking their checked-in bags we recovered $4,49,600 equivalent to 3.25 crore. The five were attempting to smuggle the money out of India. The recovered foreign currency was seized and the five Taiwanese passengers were arrested,” an officer, who did not wish to be named, said.

Officers said the suspects told them that they had arrived in New Delhi from Hong Kong last Sunday. “They also confessed that they were part of a larger syndicate involved in smuggling of foreign origin gold into India and then smuggling the money acquired by selling the gold out of the country in form of foreign currency,” the officer said.

Names of the five suspects could not be revealed as the matter is still under investigations, the officer said.

All the five suspects were produced before a court on Thursday by DRI. The suspects were remanded to judicial custody of 14 days.

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JUNOCARE1樓這樣也能查到 厲害了 05/06 22:16
windyyw2樓犯罪集團,紫外嗎? 05/06 22:17
windyyw3樓意外 05/06 22:17
hellosoap4樓印度新聞也略懂,真厲害 05/06 22:17
Qoo7775樓走私就不要怪別人了 拿命換吧 05/06 22:18
paintfor6樓推查證 05/06 22:18
ggbi4zzz7樓原篇中國人利用這新聞說故事啊 05/06 22:18
eko1128樓太神啦 XD 05/06 22:18
HYJ6279樓厲害 05/06 22:18
cwh010510樓中國人 05/06 22:18
ohmama10011樓你柯南? 05/06 22:19
rererere14712樓太閒了吧 05/06 22:19
cck52513樓你偵探系? 05/06 22:19
yaieki14樓就犯罪集團的嘍嘍還在輕描淡寫說是超額被扣 05/06 22:20
PSptt15樓竟然還有女的~ 慘 05/06 22:20
okichan16樓厲害惹 05/06 22:22
max6020917樓雖罪不致死但歹路莫行阿.... 05/06 22:22
Orisinal18樓就組織犯罪... 05/06 22:24
kent0021619樓笑死 05/06 22:24
Qcloud20樓笑死 05/06 22:25
kterry0121樓XDD 原文推文的高調、找中國大使館的表示 05/06 22:26
kissung22樓ROC 05/06 22:26
soria23樓就不清不楚的錢啊 廢話 誰會浪費時間管超額 05/06 22:26
DarkIllusion24樓厲害 05/06 22:26
xlaws25樓45萬美金 是學電影綁在身上嗎 05/06 22:27
soria26樓都說了是等價黃金 05/06 22:27
chris4409927樓走私仔講得好像被壓迫一樣… 05/06 22:27
kterry0128樓看來失智列車一如往常的某批人又坐上去了 05/06 22:27
kentshi29樓走私說超額還想帶風向!笑話 05/06 22:28
soria30樓就洗錢啦 沒救了 05/06 22:28