[情報] 歐盟新法將強迫蘋果開放sideload app





European regulators are gearing up to force open Apple's walled garden
Legislation reportedly set to be finalized this month could force Apple to
allow sideloading apps from third parties.

強迫蘋果開放能在 app store 以外的地方下載 app (sideloading)

This would enable developers to implement their own payment systems, bypassing
the commission Apple usually takes from sales of apps, in-app subscriptions
and in-app purchases. That cut can be as much as 30%.

繞過蘋果的 app 訂閱 和 app 內購抽成 (最多 30%

Apple opposes the Digital Markets Act. The company maintains that sideloading
would make iPhone users vulnerable to security and privacy risks. Apple vets
each app before allowing it into the App Store, and has said that sideloading
would disrupt the "trusted ecosystem" the company has created.

蘋果認為 sideload app 對 iphone 使用者有安全性及隱私風險
而且上架 app store 都經過審查
sideload app 破壞了此信任機制

EU antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager has previously dismissed Apple's
concerns, saying last year that "customers will not give up neither security
nor privacy if they use another app store or if they sideload."

歐盟反托拉斯官員 Margrethe Vestager 認為
使用者就算透過第三方 app store 或 sideload

It's worth noting that users have always been able to download Mac apps
outside of the company's Mac App Store.

值得一提的是 Mac app 一直都可以從 Mac App Store 以外的地方下載


WSJ 也有報導 (paywall)

縮: https://reurl.cc/AKrk9Y

如果可以從第三方下載 app 還蠻方便的
但是對蘋果來說 大概就少賺很多

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/iOS/M.1647642436.A.75D.html
dennistsao1樓爽啦 03/19 06:37
neomaster2樓安全問題呢? 裝安卓apk都有安全警告 03/19 07:13
gomidonnsine3樓跟chrome book一樣有不明來源程式就一直顯示警 03/19 07:30
gomidonnsine4樓告就好了 03/19 07:30
andy56565樓開心 03/19 07:49
yoshilin6樓Apple開發者要繳年費比Google坑 03/19 07:55
yoshilin7樓不過一堆果粉愛說不爽不要用 03/19 08:09
yoshilin8樓現在就是Apple不爽不要去歐盟賣 03/19 08:09
xAyax9樓Type c的時候還不是這樣講,結果到現在也沒消息 03/19 08:11
roccqqck10樓其實真的該逼開放的應該是nfc 03/19 08:20
tiesto0620211樓Cyida概念 03/19 08:21
kouta12樓乾脆立法強迫讓愛瘋可以裝安卓好了 03/19 08:39
dswerfftre13樓蘋果歐洲市佔率30%左右 如果不賣歐洲 先爆炸的應該 03/19 08:41
dswerfftre14樓是這些民眾吧.. 03/19 08:41
neomaster15樓如果台灣不賣iphone, 可以預知水貨價格應該漲翻,同 03/19 09:22
neomaster16樓理可證 03/19 09:22
riap052617樓要護航的先看Mac吧,Mac都能做好安全保護,iOS不給 03/19 09:23
riap052618樓你從外面裝根本假議題 03/19 09:23
neomaster19樓大家不要理6樓,他就是來討噓的 03/19 09:24
babylon29720樓Mac都可以裝win了還有什麼是不可能的,反正一堆人 03/19 09:25
babylon29721樓買蘋果就是只要外觀,根本不care人家的系統和生態 03/19 09:25
dt198022樓其實這些人需要的是內建Google Play的高仿iPhone 03/19 09:33
pzevm23樓想看歐盟抵制IPhone 03/19 09:34
sdyy24樓開發者要高仿有啥用 03/19 09:36
pm200125樓算了吧 你看跟epic官司打多久了 付費死不開放阿 03/19 10:00
AndyLee7626樓企業app一直都可以繞過app store安裝啊 03/19 10:08
AndyLee7627樓從憑證下手歐盟也管不到吧 03/19 10:08
ninewords28樓很多盜版仔想要像安卓一樣咩,其實開放也沒差,資 03/19 10:10
ninewords29樓料被盜就都他們自己的問題了,安卓安裝前也都會問你 03/19 10:10
ninewords30樓,反正我都警告你有隱私問題了,你自己要安裝就你 03/19 10:10