European regulators are gearing up to force open Apple's walled garden
Legislation reportedly set to be finalized this month could force Apple to
allow sideloading apps from third parties.
強迫蘋果開放能在 app store 以外的地方下載 app (sideloading)
This would enable developers to implement their own payment systems, bypassing
the commission Apple usually takes from sales of apps, in-app subscriptions
and in-app purchases. That cut can be as much as 30%.
繞過蘋果的 app 訂閱 和 app 內購抽成 (最多 30%
Apple opposes the Digital Markets Act. The company maintains that sideloading
would make iPhone users vulnerable to security and privacy risks. Apple vets
each app before allowing it into the App Store, and has said that sideloading
would disrupt the "trusted ecosystem" the company has created.
蘋果認為 sideload app 對 iphone 使用者有安全性及隱私風險
而且上架 app store 都經過審查
sideload app 破壞了此信任機制
EU antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager has previously dismissed Apple's
concerns, saying last year that "customers will not give up neither security
nor privacy if they use another app store or if they sideload."
歐盟反托拉斯官員 Margrethe Vestager 認為
使用者就算透過第三方 app store 或 sideload
It's worth noting that users have always been able to download Mac apps
outside of the company's Mac App Store.
值得一提的是 Mac app 一直都可以從 Mac App Store 以外的地方下載
WSJ 也有報導 (paywall)
縮: https://reurl.cc/AKrk9Y
如果可以從第三方下載 app 還蠻方便的
但是對蘋果來說 大概就少賺很多