2025/7/11 開始由美國->NRT航班延遠到高雄
https://tinyurl.com/4rku7ct4Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Starting July 11, United will be the only U.S. airline to offer direct
service to Kaohsiung, Taiwan, a city known for its modern urban
landscape, historical harbor and breathtaking nature. From its
expansive street art scene to iconic sites, like the Pier-2 Art Center,
Love River and Lotus Pond, the city is rich with activities for nature
lovers and culture enthusiasts.
United's new year-round service from Tokyo/Narita will provide an easy
one-stop option for American travelers looking to visit the city, and
complements the airline's twice-daily, nonstop service between San
https://skift.com/2024/10/10/united-bets-on-off-the-beaten-path-destinations/Kaohsiung, Taiwan: Year-round daily flights from Tokyo Narita begin July 11.
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/united-new-international-flights-here-is-where/Here are the new cities the airline will fly to in 2025:
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
https://upgradedpoints.com/news/united-new-routes-summer-2025/while Narita to Kaohsiung, Taiwan (KHH) flights begin on July 11.
Both routes will feature a narrowbody Boeing 737.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Japan_Travel/M.1728566252.A.9CB.htmla272815911樓達美什麼時候要回來 10/10 21:18
a2064712樓所以會有被打一頓拖下飛機,最後領高額賠償的服務 10/10 21:26
→ a2064713樓嗎 10/10 21:26
cpylislv4樓真的假的啊UA要開KHH-NRT 10/10 21:27
n36885樓希望可以串飛美國 10/10 21:28
→ 本人6樓應該和以前達美一樣,美國->nrt的延遠航班吧 10/10 21:29
firingmoon7樓真假聯合要回來了 10/10 21:34
→ pulesiya8樓這也是第五航權? 10/10 21:35
10/10 21:36 → 本人10樓剛剛在航空版看到官方新聞稿,補上相關資訊 10/10 21:37
krjr2411樓高雄-美國有機會!? 10/10 21:41
OR1CHI12樓振奮人心的消息 10/10 21:46
→ LIN1985121013樓可以開別的航點嗎...比方說北海道... 10/10 21:51
→ zj76552314樓新千歲的話虎航,peach,星宇...etc.比較有機會 10/10 21:59
negisan3915樓台中哈哈哈哈哈台中 10/10 22:20
→ abluelion16樓虎航不是說冬天要開?怎麼還沒消息 10/10 22:23
info199417樓都用政治力開了高雄岡山了 北海道等等吧 10/10 22:53
ianqoo200018樓阿虎現在光鬧機瘟,串飛串得這麼緊,還有臺中開航失 10/10 23:14
→ ianqoo200019樓敗弄得問題一籮筐,冬季暫時別了吧,有岡山就不錯了 10/10 23:14
→ ianqoo200020樓。 10/10 23:14
→ ianqoo200021樓再來如果是北海道,不是花航本家回來比較好嗎? 10/10 23:15
→ ianqoo200022樓然而高雄的市場本來就在日本大航點,阿桃姐成田跟沖 10/10 23:16
→ ianqoo200023樓繩沒回來很傷,然後還讓阿虎這麼嗆秋 10/10 23:16
→ ianqoo200024樓聯航這樣重量級美籍傳航要來,時段據傳可能是早去晚 10/10 23:17
→ ianqoo200025樓回,剛好填補鶴丸跟阿桃姐的空缺… 10/10 23:17
firingmoon26樓我上次搭UA去日本是2010XD 10/10 23:34
kei182327樓似乎是串關島的延遠,也算是美國啦XD 10/10 23:47
zuo28樓這航班是要方便高雄經由成田轉機北美的旅客 10/10 23:47
aming7532129樓那個唬航就不要了 10/11 00:43
CHRush30樓唬航可以蛋雕了 10/11 00:45