Re: [心得] 舞伎家的料理人




從原貼看來 似乎許多人都蠻在意劇中情節與現實狀況的差異
裡頭有段內容 讓我覺得有如是枝裕和對此表達了個人看法
所以轉貼過來 有興趣的板友不妨參考
所以就不獻醜了 請見諒

From what I understand, there's often a lot of international
misunderstanding about Japanese geisha and the historical realities of
the tradition. And I believe there is even debate within Japan about
just how empowered geisha were, historically, and how the tradition
should be perceived in relation to modern feminist ideals. You tell
a very sweet and innocent story with this series, but what you said
just now about there not being any 16-year-olds working as Makanai
in today's geisha houses made me wonder about your views on some of
these more complicated questions. The story does follow two 16-year-old
girls who drop out of high school to work in this world. And although
it's a world of exquisite, highly evolved art forms, it also comes down
to young women hosting and serving drinks to much older men. In the
process of working on the show, did you develop a view on the proper
place of this tradition within Japanese society today?

Have you seen all of the episodes?

I’ve seen five, so far.

Well, I am aware of the fact that people do have opinions on opposite
sides of this issue, and not just from my experience of working on
this drama. Personally, I feel that it's probably necessary for this
tradition to undergo some reform, and some people within this world
have told me there are working to do just that. But as you've mentioned,
it's also true that there is a lot of misunderstanding regarding geisha
and Maiko. When I interviewed one of the Okami-sans, the former house
mothers, they told me that a lot of the foreigners who visit them have
seen Memoirs of a Geisha and their understanding of geisha have been
totally shaped by that film. So they assume all of the girls were sold
to the house because of a poor upbringing, or that they are there out
of desperation. And my own knowledge of Geisha, basically, had been
shaped by Mizoguchi, who told very sad stories back in his day too.

But then in real life, when I was doing my research and went to the
Hanamachi (a district where Geisha live and work), the people I met
there were very enthusiastic about this tradition and it was something
that they had actively sought out. They want to preserve this culture
and they want it to be accepted, and they are very serious about
continuing to reform. All of the houses I had contact with would only
accept Maiko if they had the express support of their parents. It
really seemed to me that they were taking solid actions and I felt
their passion for preserving their tradition and their art form.
Personally, I feel that I would like to root for them. Obviously,
it's not perfect. But we creators in the entertainment industry, we
have been far too late in making our reforms as well. So, I would like
to think we could continue to work together in that sense.

But when I was developing the show, I did think that introducing this
world as a place of pure, dreamlike wonder would be very irresponsible.
So I also incorporated some elements into the show that didn't exist
in the original story of the manga — as a slight critique. That's why
I asked you how much of the show you had seen. For example, I included
the character of the daughter who has strong critical opinions about
the maiko ways. And I also added Sumire's father, who strongly objects
to her wanting to become a maiko. And then I also had the sequence where
the Okami-san shares her opinions in reply. So I added these elements
to introduce some of the questions that you raise, but ultimately, I
tried to leave it to the viewer to form their own judgement.

想看全篇報導的話 在這裡:

看完這段訪談 算有得到解釋
即使如此 我也能夠體諒
站在劇組的立場 考慮到本劇的屬性

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fallfrost1樓說實話涼子這個角色很特殊 她是在這個屋子裡唯一的外 01/14 23:29
fallfrost2樓人 唯一的不是舞伎的人 唯一可以用手機的人 對她來講 01/14 23:29
fallfrost3樓是不得已生活在屋形的 其實這個角色我覺得滿妙的 雖然 01/14 23:29
fallfrost4樓結果來講作用不大XD 01/14 23:29
本人5樓剛看完時真覺得這角色不知道加進來幹嘛:p 01/14 23:34
fallfrost6樓她的戲份超少XD 但是我確實有幾段覺得她的存在很妙 那 01/14 23:35
fallfrost7樓個外人感很特殊 01/14 23:35
fallfrost8樓不過是枝這樣講我覺得還是有點自以為是 他說白了也根 01/14 23:36
fallfrost9樓本覺得這個灰色產業(甚至超黑根本不灰)存在是可以被 01/14 23:36
fallfrost10樓保護的 但是這種保護充滿了對未成年人的剝削(性也好 01/14 23:36
fallfrost11樓勞力也好) 01/14 23:36
sate12樓這部是副標黑暗面 16歲開始的幫傭生活 01/14 23:54
fruitmonster13樓本來想看的但看了板友這兩篇文章完全打消念頭 01/14 23:57
fallfrost14樓其實我是真的覺得可以看啦 劇是好劇 01/14 23:59
本人15樓可去臉書搜心得文,風向跟此地大不相同,或許會讓你再度 01/15 00:00
本人16樓產生興趣…XD 01/15 00:00
fallfrost17樓感覺大部分地方還是對這劇好評居多吧 劇是好劇 畫面漂 01/15 00:02
fallfrost18樓亮 劇情溫暖 演員們都恰到好處 01/15 00:02
本人19樓我也覺得不妨一看,還是有其可取之處。 01/15 00:03
本人20樓許多人光是因為是枝裕和或京都就買單了 01/15 00:04
aiFly21樓感謝分享,也一直很好奇是枝自己的理解是什麼。其實原著漫 01/15 03:36
aiFly22樓畫本身就已經是用16歲小廚娘這個設定去表現這個世界是「虛 01/15 03:36
aiFly23樓構」的,影像化如果維持原設定,它本身就會是很奇妙的虛構 01/15 03:36
aiFly24樓和現實的平衡。(除非每集開始都打上大大的「現實中的京都 01/15 03:36
aiFly25樓都是70歲的煮飯婆婆喔」)我自己會覺得原著漫畫,是以料理 01/15 03:36
aiFly26樓少女這個町屋裡的「外人」的角度,去看到舞伎工作裡實際的 01/15 03:36
aiFly27樓「勞動」面向,好的方向想,更多人注意到它是勞動時,也許 01/15 03:36
aiFly28樓更有機會帶動實際工作條件的改善。越是有外人矚目這點,花 01/15 03:36
aiFly29樓街界也就更需要從內部改善自己的體質,而不是以共體時艱的 01/15 03:36
aiFly30樓口號要底下的人忍受糟糕的勞動條件。 01/15 03:36
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