chopper3241樓重複看了兩次才懂XDDD 後勁有點強 01/13 08:06
ryanmulee2樓笑點是he she嗎? 01/13 08:07
eunhailoveu3樓??? 01/13 08:26
bcx090304樓放一隻母貓在他旁邊可以嗎 01/13 08:49
polo24375樓??? 01/13 08:56
→ dogberter6樓那如果都沒喝的話怎麼辦 01/13 08:57
mmnnoo7樓She did not drink 01/13 09:11
→ mmnnoo8樓啊四叉貓要用She, He, 還是It? 01/13 09:12
jackyu9樓用ge. Ge did not drink 01/13 09:55
KanzakiHAria10樓XD 01/13 10:15
pccheni11樓如果沒喝就是中共同路貓 01/13 10:48
dlfly12樓他 她 01/13 11:01
christu13樓我這邊測試出來結果是祂有喝,這代表什麼...要轉馬佛版了 01/13 11:45
→ christu14樓嗎QQ 01/13 11:45
sertgsdg15樓如果她喝了牛奶但不跟你AA那就是母豬 01/13 11:49
garfunkel16樓你就沒有想過貓自己的認同嗎? 牠自己決定自己是公是母 01/13 11:56
chris0820go17樓我以為是台南市議員的那種分辨 01/13 11:58
atlassys818樓Reddit鄉民的留言: 01/13 12:02
→ atlassys819樓What if I drink it? 01/13 12:02
→ atlassys820樓- Then you are the cat 01/13 12:02
→ atlassys821樓- What if the milk drinks me 01/13 12:03
→ atlassys822樓- The milk is the cat 01/13 12:03
→ atlassys823樓- What if I drink the cat 01/13 12:03
→ atlassys824樓Then you are the milk 01/13 12:03
→ atlassys825樓- What if I milk the cat? 01/13 12:04
→ atlassys826樓- You Focker! 01/13 12:04
ep102327樓推原串留言 01/13 12:09
h56928樓It 01/13 12:09
chosentwo29樓- Then you are milk 01/13 12:10
RC837730樓笑死 01/13 12:26