[新聞] 這是三星Galaxy S21 FE的完整規格列表




Here is the Samsung Galaxy S21 FE’s full list of specs
這是三星Galaxy S21 FE的完整規格列表


Samsung’s Galaxy S21 FE has been long delayed but reports dating back to
October have already claimed that the budget flagship is expected to finally
launch in January. In anticipation of the newest Galaxy Fan Edition,
SamMobile has obtained a list of most of the S21 FE’s specs.

三星的S21 FE已經Delay很久了,但根據10月的情報宣稱這平價旗艦將在明年一月推出。
期待最新的粉絲版手機的同時,SamMobile已經取得了S21 FE的大部分規格之列表。

Starting with the display, the Galaxy S21 FE will have a 6.4-inch Dynamic
AMOLED 2X display that supports 120Hz refresh rate with Full HD+ resolution.
There’s also a 32MP selfie camera within the centered punch hole cutout.

從螢幕說起,S21 FE將搭載支援120Hz的6.4" Dynamic AMOLED 2X FHD+螢幕。同時也會在

The new Fan Edition will be powered by the same pair of SoCs that are found
in the Galaxy S21 lineup. Depending on the market, either the Exynos 2100 or
Snapdragon 888 will be packed inside along with either 6GB or 8GB of RAM.
Storage options will be either 128GB or 256GB and this time around storage won
’t be expandable.


The triple camera setup will consist of a 12MP f/1.8 main camera, a 12MP
f/2.2 ultrawide camera, and an 8MP F/2.4 telephoto camera with 3X optical

三鏡頭部分會搭載一個12MP f/1.8的主鏡頭、12MP f/2.2的超廣角鏡頭,以及8MP f/2.4

Other specs include 25W fast-charging by wire or 15W via wireless charging.
There’s IP68 water resistance and the phone will run Android 12 out of the
box. MacRumors also mentions that the phone’s firmware will be supported for
three version upgrades – all the way to Android 15.

其餘規格包括25W有線快充、15W無線快充,同時也有IP68防水,並預載Android 12。
MacRumors同時提到這支手機會支援至少三個版本的更新-也就是最高到Android 15。






不同顏色的Galaxy S21 FE

Price is yet to be confirmed, but speculation points to the possibility of
the same $699 price point from the Galaxy S20 FE.

價格尚未確定,但猜測指出預計會跟S20 FE相同的699美元。(19328台幣)

The S21 FE is expected to be sometime next month. With CES taking place
during the first week or January, there’s always a plausibility that Samsung
might launch the phone in Las Vegas, but the company hasn’t made any mobile
announcements at CES for many years. Either Samsung may wait until MWC in
February to launch the S21 FE, or it may hold an online launch event
independently of the tradeshows.

S21 FE預期會在下個月某天發表。由於CES在一月第一周發表,三星在這期間發表這手機
發表S21 FE,或是獨立在線上發表這手機。

原本以為S21偷的規格夠多了 S21 FE沒有發表的必要
沒想到一山還有一山高 居然還能再砍

*更新 不是砍主鏡頭 是砍變焦鏡頭
顏色多了莫蘭迪綠 走比較沉穩的顏色路線

只是S21現在市價都比19K還要低很多了 真開699 USD是買到撞到?
這支真不知道出來幹嘛 上有S21撐了 再往下還有A系列要顧
這刀法砍的真不俐落 可以去跟老黃學學嗎

NanaMizuki : amd在同樣的腳位上做出新的cpu05/27 19:00
NanaMizuki : intel在同樣的cpu做出新的腳位05/27 19:00

#1UpWgAK2 (PC_Shopping)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1639310700.A.992.html
JuiFu6171樓888掰掰掰 12/12 20:07
ShibaTatsuya2樓還要砍記憶卡槽喔 三星真的是鐵了心要砍欸 12/12 20:09
ShibaTatsuya3樓S22以後還要繼續拿掉記憶卡槽的話,之後真的要考慮 12/12 20:09
ShibaTatsuya4樓跳槽蘋果了 12/12 20:09
砍掉基本上不會再見到他了 你可以安心跳槽蘋果
xzcb20085樓果然傷星韭店割了sd... 12/12 20:09
xzcb20086樓傷星韭店真的是閹割王無誤 12/12 20:09
xzcb20087樓n10+看來沒有繼續用了 12/12 20:10
pf7758樓品質問題解決了嗎 12/12 20:11
pf7759樓看板上感覺三星手機問題很多 12/12 20:12
gamania3161010樓s888 哈哈哈 12/12 20:13
tteeccddyy11樓除了少了一次更新 s20 fe完瘧吧 12/12 20:14
NickXiang12樓雖然配色有變 但S21系的背面看到現在還是覺得醜 12/12 20:18
billkingFH13樓SD卡真的消失了,不過這台888我先PASS 12/12 20:19
NickXiang14樓還有888 pass 12/12 20:19
ooxxman15樓沒記憶卡真的不行了,自殺 12/12 20:24
as776633221116樓s20fe剛開價也是腦子撞到才會買 23k怎麼不貼2000上 12/12 20:27
as776633221117樓s20+ 反正這個價位肯定會再降 12/12 20:27
gve5071418樓砍記憶卡跳去蘋果是??? 12/12 20:40
gve5071419樓蘋果也沒有記憶卡啊 應該跳索尼吧 12/12 20:40
sa198920樓888那麼雷,zenfone 8的主機板都受不了了,還不如用s870.. 12/12 20:44
sa198921樓... 12/12 20:44
888雷是一回事 華碩不會做手機又是一回事 888搞到主版爆或是Wifi掛我就問除了華碩小米外其他大廠有嗎
magicqw22樓SOC改870 其他一樣就香了 12/12 20:44
f4007556623樓螢幕還不錯 處理器垃圾 RAM太少儲存空間太少 充電太慢 12/12 20:47
f4007556624樓給人入門體驗次旗艦 樣樣有樣樣殘缺 12/12 20:47
f4007556625樓不過價格很好 同色塊的模組對比s21也很不錯 是合理的 12/12 20:48
f4007556626樓價格策略 12/12 20:48
S21市價1萬7 相機沒偷還比你便宜 給你參考
AbdulRauf27樓雲手機 12/12 21:00
AJizzInPants28樓不管soc用哪一款都是悲劇 12/12 21:03
ppt1252729樓Note5曾經拔掉過SD Card,後來又加回來 12/12 21:10
benedict7630樓主鏡跟s21一樣哪有砍,反而升級光學變焦,螢幕也跟s21 12/12 21:18
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