[新聞] 三星正在調查4nm良率造假問題



2.原文標題:Samsung Investigating Fraudulent 4nm Advanced Chip Technology Yields
– Report


4.原文內容:South Korean technology giant Samsung Electronics is purportedly inv
estigating fraud at its chip manufacturing division Samsung Foundry. Samsung Fou
ndry is only one of the two contract chip manufacturers in the world that is cap
able of producing semiconductors on the advanced 5-nanometer (nm) chip process.
The efficiency of such processes is determined by what is referred to as a 'yiel
d' in the semiconductor industry. A fresh report circulating in the Korean press
is now claiming that executives at Samsung Foundry might have fabricated the da
ta for 5nm and 4nm yields, in an effort to misplace the funds allocated by the c
ompany to improve chip manufacturing efficiency.


The report, which surfaced earlier today in Korea, comes courtesy of Infostockda
ily, and it mentions the yields for Samsung's latest chip manufacturing technolo
gies, which are the 5nm and the 4nm process nodes. The yield of a chip process r
efers to the number of chips in a wafer that meet quality testing standards, and
it is a key parameter that is evaluated by foundries through early production r
uns before full scale manufacturing kicks off.


According to the Korean publication, officials at Samsung Electronics are conduc
ting an investigation on the whereabouts of the funds that had been allocated to
Samsung Foundry for improving its chip manufacturing process yields. This is to
determine whether the figures for the yields of the 5nm and 4nm nodes were fals
ified in order to create an impression that all is well at Samsung's chipmaking
arm when reality would suggest otherwise.


Samsung and the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) are the only t
wo in the world that are selling chip products to customers under the 5nm brandi
ng. The pair are currently locked in a race to be the first to deliver 3nm produ
cts to the market.


Infostockdaily quotes an official familiar with the matter at Samsung Electronic
s stating that:

"Since the delivered quantities is struggled to meet the recent foundry orde
r volume, we have doubts about the yield of the non-memory process, which has wa
s known to be achieved. The management consulting investigates the claims on the
yield of a semiconductor foundry by former and current DS division executives.
The consulting will determine whether the claims are false"


Reports from the Korean press have already suggested that Samsung's yields for t
he 4nm process were shockingly disappointing and might have touched as low as 35
% for San Diego, California chip giant Qualcomm Incorporated's flagship Snapdrag
on smartphone system on chip (SoC). This figure implies that out of 100 Snapdrag
on chips present on a silicon wafer, only 35 were able to clear the required qua
lity control standards.


These reports have also hinted that Qualcomm has chosen to rely on TSMC for its
3nm chip needs and shifted a portion of its 4nm products to the Taiwanese compan
y as well. In addition to Qualcomm, Samsung also manufacturers semiconductors fo
r Santa Clara, California graphics processing unit (GPU) designer NVIDIA Corpora


TSMC itself is reportedly facing yield problems with its 3nm process, which is s
et to enter volume production later this year. Reports of yield fraud at Samsung
are yet to be corroborated by other publications, with Infostockdaily being the
first to outline the possibility of fund misappropriation. Samsung officials ha
ve also stated that the investigation is routine and the situation is premature
for disclosing any additional details.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1645778650.A.B12.html
abc09220011樓4nm包裝拆開結果是5nm 02/25 16:50
sakala2樓厲害了三星 02/25 16:51
brianuser3樓自己騙自己 02/25 16:53
hclstarkid4樓你終究要買蘋果 何不現在就買 02/25 16:55
huangin5樓坐等p君對此事看法 02/25 16:56
a276475356樓不愧是高等中國人 02/25 16:57
本人7樓我就不離不棄被當北七的死忠索粉,索尼沒退出手機之前 02/25 16:57
本人8樓不會換別家的 02/25 16:57
PrimeChaoz9樓35%... 02/25 16:58
opengaydoor10樓雖然現在除了GG就三星製程相對先進 但如果intel代工 02/25 17:16
opengaydoor11樓玩真的 假以時日三星確實長線看壞 02/25 17:16
s099119256812樓35%,真的出事了啦 02/25 17:17
opengaydoor13樓但現在三星搞這齣 長線問題馬上變短線問題了 02/25 17:17
ae106051014樓漏電火龍,拖累高通整整兩年 02/25 17:18
cauliflower15樓原來三星不知道自己的良率! 02/25 17:20
basterds16樓奧梨子GAY蘋果 02/25 17:22
ShibaTatsuya17樓笑死 自己騙自己 02/25 17:25
a1106abc18樓GG真4nm良率70%***假4nm(7nm++)良率35%~~ 02/25 17:28
tonyian19樓35%真的是笑慘了,我還以為是70-80%之類的 02/25 17:29
saokie20樓谷歌也被騙了 真相大白 02/25 17:30
square421樓https://bit.ly/3BNiQSu 02/25 17:31
WLR22樓要騙其他人,先從自己人騙起 02/25 17:33
schula23樓真恐怖下單即掉單,可能晚上招待時要下猛藥惹 02/25 17:38
suichui24樓卡P君 02/25 17:40
michaeljo25樓***鐵粉p大跟雞蛋大師怎麼還沒出現? 02/25 17:41
Segal26樓包莖萬QQ 誰叫你老爸是韓國仔,殊不知這個造假不了 02/25 17:47
iMANIA27樓不可能 我大三星天下無敵Q_Q 02/25 17:48
hegemon28樓不會是內部貪污吧.... 02/25 17:50
suichui29樓不過良率怎麼做假@@,這樣下來不知道差多少億對不上,挖 02/25 17:51
suichui30樓東牆補西牆這麼厲害? 02/25 17:51
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