[新聞] 這些可能是三星野獸級Tab S8 Ultra 5G規




These are (probably) the full specs of Samsung's beastly Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra
這些可能是三星野獸級Tab S8 Ultra 5G規格

phonearena/Adrian Diaconescu


If you're really into Android tablets, take issue with the industry's general
consensus that not even the best of the best can replace a traditional
laptop, and also have a lot of money to spare, Samsung's most exciting
impending product for you might not be the Galaxy S22 Ultra right now.

筆電,且同時還得花大錢,那目前三星對你來說最激動人心的產品或許不是S22 Ultra。

That's because the world's number one smartphone vendor (and number two
tablet vendor) is also hard at work on a Galaxy Tab S8 lineup set to include
an unprecedented Ultra model.

這是因為目前世界第一手機大廠(以及第二平板大廠)同時也正努力開發Tab S8系列,包括

The 11-inch Tab S8, 12.4-inch S8+, and 14.6-inch (!!!) S8 Ultra are expected
to finally see daylight sometime in early 2022 after already spending more
than six months going through the rumor grinder.

在經歷6個月的乳摸後,11" Tab S8、12.4" S8+、以及14.6" (!!!) S8 Ultra預期在2022

For those of you who don't remember, one of the very first substantial (and
credible) leaks essentially revealed all of the key specs of the three
as-yet-unannounced slates, with most of the information concerning the
largest member of the trio gaining traction today thanks to the almost always
reliable folks over at SamMobile.


Take that, Apple!

Even the most hardcore Android fans must face the truth - none of the best
Samsung tablets available today can come close to the raw power and virtually
flawless user experience provided by this year's 12.9-inch iPad Pro.

即使是最hardcore的Android粉絲都得面對事實 - 時至今日沒有任何一台三星平板可以與
iPad Pro 12.9"的原始效能跟近乎完美無縫使用者體驗相提並論。

Of course, one of the reasons for that is 2021's absence of a Galaxy Tab S7+
sequel. Then again, many would argue the 2020-released 12.4-inch Android
beast was no match for the previous-generation iPad Pro 12.9 either, but the
ultra-high-end tablet landscape could be transformed in just a few months.

當然,原因之是因為2021沒有Tab S7+的後繼者。然而,也很多人Argue說即使是2020發表
的野獸級12.4"平板Tab S7+也無法跟上一代iPad Pro 12.9匹敵,但超高階平板的市場可能


That's because the Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra is all but guaranteed to pack
Qualcomm's new state-of-the-art Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor, which looks
mighty powerful in early benchmarks, while somehow squeezing a gargantuan
11,200mAh battery with blazing fast 45W charging support into an undoubtedly
premium body measuring an incredibly svelte 5.5mm in depth.

那是因為Tab S8 Ultra幾乎可以保證搭載高通最新最先進的8 Gen 1處理器,從先前的跑分

The notched (ugh) 14.6-inch Super AMOLED display should sport a "WQXGA+"
resolution of around 3000 x 1800 pixels, and under the hood of the Tab S8
Ultra, you'll find up to 16 (!!!) gigs of RAM paired with as much as 512GB
storage space.

瀏海(額)的14.6" Super AMOLED應該會搭載解析度為3000x1800的WXQGA+,且在螢幕下可以

Somewhat unusually for a tablet (especially one as big as this bad boy), the
cameras could be a key area of the marketing focus as well, with two
different 12MP units located on the front and a primary 13MP rear-facing
shooter doubled by a 6MP ultra-wide-angle lens.


Obviously, specs are not everything when aiming for Apple's jugular in a
market so comfortably dominated by the Cupertino tech giant for so long,
which is why Samsung also plans to vastly improve DeX functionality, load
Android 12 with One UI 4.1 on top, and of course, sell the Galaxy Tab S8
Ultra alongside a magnetically attaching S Pen as standard.

害規格不是一切,這也是為甚麼三星還著手大幅改進DeX、出廠即搭載Android 12及One UI
4.1、當然Tab S8 Ultra會標配磁性筆一同出售。

How expensive will the Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra 5G be?
Tab S8 Ultra會多貴?

That, our friends, is the million-dollar question, and while we certainly
don't expect the price point to reach a million bucks, we would genuinely
rather think about anything other than the possible MSRP of this colossus
with built-in 5G connectivity and a 16GB RAM count.


As for an entry-level Wi-Fi-only configuration combining a "modest" 8 gigs of
memory with 128GB storage, we actually have reason to be slightly more
optimistic than all the way back in May.

至於在入門款的Wifi機種搭配"適當"的8G RAM及128G ROM,我們現在有理由比5月份的情報


Specifically, the non-5G-enabled Tab S8 Ultra is likely to start at the rough
equivalent of close to $1,200 in South Korea, which is... still pretty scary.
On the bright side, that's not a lot higher than the base regional price of
the vastly inferior Galaxy Tab S7+, which normally retails at $850 and up

當可怕。但往好處看,這價格在當地並沒有比極糟的Tab S7+高上不少,後者在美國本土的

That means there's a decent chance the Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra could start at
(slightly) less than $1,000 in the US, thus undercutting the $1,099 and up
iPad Pro 12.9 (2021) by at least $100. Still, it remains to be seen if
there's actually a market for such objectively expensive Android slates...
with optional keyboards and everything else.

這意味著Tab S8 Ultra在美國起架很有可能(略)低於1000美元,從而比1099美元以上的
iPad Pro 12.9(2021)至少低100美元。儘管如此,這種客觀來看昂貴,可選配鍵盤及其他配

從她搭載包莖1的時候 光看效能注定是跟不上了

你說S8+的客群我還比較相信 但S8U....這價格 這規格
要支持 難啊~
雖然3萬台幣是比iPad Pro便宜 還有筆
但...端看專業軟體及生態圈 Mac改用ARM更方便開發者移植並創造更強生態
恩 還是乖乖上iPad Pro~


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1639674858.A.013.html
three887201樓其實我比較好奇真的有人會買平板買到三萬多嗎 12/17 01:16
l11k7550132樓那什麼奇葩瀏海== 這讓直拿的人強迫症發作啊! 12/17 01:18
square43樓對不起,m1真的能為所欲為,能耗把你壓在地上打 12/17 01:19
benedict764樓三星dex好用,ipad追不上。 12/17 01:20
a3187as5樓價錢不是主要問題吧,是誰會想要長時間拿一個14吋的平板 12/17 01:25
a3187as6樓在手上,然後接鍵盤還超難操作,要這麼大的螢幕我幹嘛不 12/17 01:25
a3187as7樓直接用筆電就好了 12/17 01:25
本人8樓iPad壓根不想給你電腦介面 沒有追不追得上的問題 是蘋果 12/17 01:36
本人9樓根本不鳥 12/17 01:36
frfreedom10樓 12/17 01:37
frfreedom11樓是誰給包莖萬挑戰M1的勇氣? 12/17 01:38
charmingpink12樓真樂觀 12/17 01:39
carter701313樓平板給電腦介面幹嘛 你去用電腦啊 12/17 01:51
funyu556614樓CPU屌輸誰想買...起碼s7還能降價 12/17 02:12
dreamgirl15樓這台不存在啦,別幻想 12/17 02:33
icemaydays16樓三星dex 真心好用,用過才知道 12/17 02:55
icemaydays17樓如果單純只想要追求效能,那就買iPad 12/17 02:57
noneid18樓好的不學學壞的 瀏三小海 12/17 02:59
本人19樓Dex好用我不否認 但是怎麼會覺得ipad只有效能能看XD 12/17 02:59
本人20樓難道加麵姐有比爆料大神更詳細的門路?願聞其詳 12/17 03:00
A791027A21樓龍的咆嘯 12/17 04:07
darvish07222樓白癡瀏海設計,跳過 12/17 07:34
BBKOX23樓學Macbook 哈哈哈哈 12/17 07:38
LuckSK24樓看招啦蘋果,上平板功耗直接超越m1 12/17 07:46
Xperia25樓有些人就是希望平板能部分取代電腦啊 12/17 08:05
Xperia26樓ipad返回鍵才是問題,返回手勢幾乎不能用 12/17 08:07
LuckSK27樓安卓app對於平板介面最佳化很差才是真的,dex模式讓app變 12/17 08:10
LuckSK28樓成視窗在用就可以無視這個問題,是dex好用,還是平板介面 12/17 08:10
LuckSK29樓太難用? 12/17 08:10
leechiungyi30樓這價格完全沒有競爭力,被M1壓在地上摩擦 12/17 09:02
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