[討論] 詹姆斯岡恩在推特與臉書上的新回應



詹姆斯岡恩(James Gunn)稍早在推特與臉書上發表了新的回應——

「當彼得與我在接掌 DC Studios 時,我們意識到的其中一件事就是——
不誇張地說(to say the least)。

我們對於 DCU 的選擇是基於我們相信這對故事以及具有近 85 年歷史的 DC

烈抗議(Disrespectful outcry)永遠不會影響我們的行動。

與不那麼明顯的選擇,尤其是在面對這難以取悅的狀況後(fractious nature)。
但對我們來說,比起我們作為藝術家與看守者(artists & custodians)要來幫
助 DC 建立廣闊且美妙的未來來說都不算什麼。」

fractious nature 的翻譯我再想想怎樣比較貼合
to say the least 用退一步來說不夠精準,我先改掉


One of the things Peter & I were aware of when we took the job as
heads of DC Studios was a certain minority of people online that
could be, well, uproarious & unkind, to say the least.

Our choices for the DCU are based upon what we believe is best for
the story & best for the DC characters who have been around for
nearly 85 years. Perhaps these choices are great, perhaps not, but
they are made with sincere hearts & integrity & always with the
story in mind.

No one loves to be harassed or called names – but, to be frank,
we’ve been through significantly worse. Disrespectful outcry will
never, ever affect our actions.

We were aware there would be a period of turbulence when we took
this gig, & we knew we would sometimes have to make difficult &
not-so-obvious choices, especially in the wake of the fractious
nature of what came before us.

But this means little to us in comparison to our jobs as artists &
custodians in helping to create a wide & wonderful future for DC.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1671498442.A.784.html
warchado1樓呵呵 沒差,不會再進電影院浪費錢看DC 電影,hbo go 12/20 09:14
warchado2樓也不會再訂閱了 12/20 09:14
widec3樓少說廢話啦,是男人就掏出作品讓粉絲閉嘴 12/20 09:15
widec4樓渣克我雖然也嫌,但人家至少掏出作品了 12/20 09:15
klagalas5樓又在講幹話 先拿出作品啊 12/20 09:19
aaz9576586樓沒在尊重粉絲還嫌別人抗議不尊重 12/20 09:21
ARCHER22347樓加油,堅持做自已,徹底送dc進墳墓 12/20 09:21
richardplch8樓“to say at least” means “at least we can sa 12/20 09:21
richardplch9樓y that” 12/20 09:21
shengchiu30310樓噁心雙面人還在幹話 12/20 09:22
richardplch11樓“fractious nature” means (the thing came bef 12/20 09:24
richardplch12樓ore us) is anger triggering and annoying in it 12/20 09:24
richardplch13樓s nature. 12/20 09:24
LBJKOBE556614樓都是they的錯 12/20 09:25
shengchiu30315樓不尊重的強烈抗議?要不要想想你們做了什麼 還怪別 12/20 09:26
shengchiu30316樓人不尊重 12/20 09:26
phix17樓來放火的喔 12/20 09:28
phix18樓控制預算 多拍一點才是正解吧 12/20 09:29
phix19樓現在都沒片子上映 不就一直賠 12/20 09:29
Goldx520樓各位一小部分的人,不要再吵了 12/20 09:30
SINW21樓你至少要拿出讓人信服的作品或計劃再來嗆聲好嗎 12/20 09:34
chyx74102122樓寫這種東西真是公關危機…… 12/20 09:35
Evoque23樓Minority of people 就是我啦,DC吃屎 12/20 09:41
vincent376824樓唉一直敗好感 12/20 09:42
pattda25樓果然變暴君... 這封信擺明要讓大家吵下去 12/20 09:44
fox872526樓一小部分的人?這年頭公關公司都在睡覺嗎? 12/20 09:45
pattda27樓只要他沒想通 他堅持這態度 他會越兇 就像他寫的角 12/20 09:45
pattda28樓色一樣 搞砸一切 12/20 09:46
pattda29樓這封邏輯是 他只吃漫畫粉嗎? 那支持他的絕對是小眾 12/20 09:47
protess30樓好歹也等新的電影評價口碑大賣再發這文,現在這風 12/20 09:48