"I don't care"
英文應該稱為Meaningful Echo
Beam Me Up, Scotty!s a false or oft-misquoted Catchphrase. Comparerc Words,ne-Liner,ther Stock Phrases,ord Power
還有Memetic Mutation
「即刻救援」 "Good luck"
「終極警探」 "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!"
「美國隊長2」 "Before We Get Started, Does Anyone Want to Get Out?"
「機器戰警2014」 "Dead or alive, you're coming with me."
噢不對,2014版的是 "I don't know about that I've Been Through A Lot."
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1710626362.A.19C.htmlEldnine1樓這太多了吧 03/17 06:16
→ Eldnine2樓你要的是馬上可以跟電影連結到的台詞 03/17 06:16
→ Eldnine3樓我先拋磚引玉 03/17 06:16
→ Eldnine4樓Let fight XD 03/17 06:17
→ Eldnine5樓Let them fight 03/17 06:17
→ Eldnine6樓live for nothing or die for something 03/17 06:19
→ 本人7樓少了them還想說哪一部,一樣2014嗎(?) 03/17 06:19
→ Eldnine8樓就2014 03/17 06:20
→ Eldnine9樓FXXKIN STUPID 03/17 06:22
→ Eldnine10樓進擊的鼓手 03/17 06:22
"You think I'm fucking stupid? I know it was you."
p0817111011樓Forgot it, it’s China town 03/17 06:58
bidaq12樓辣妹過招很多 03/17 07:30
→ bidaq13樓 03/17 07:30 → bidaq14樓 03/17 07:30 → bidaq15樓 03/17 07:30 → bidaq16樓 03/17 07:30 DorkKnight17樓不,我就是你老子 03/17 07:54
→ bye200718樓I don't care是在諷刺iphone使用者吧 03/17 08:56
kawazakiz219樓 03/17 09:00 Vassili24220樓凱吉惡靈線索 Not the BEES! 03/17 09:27
→ movieghost21樓下一篇:經典電影的名片段 03/17 09:33
takay22樓Why so serious? 03/17 09:38
ansonptt23樓I'll be back. 03/17 10:11
kings424樓What’s in the box 03/17 10:32
eric99925樓這個以前就統計過了 影史百大名台詞 第一名我確定 03/17 10:34
→ eric99926樓是007 第二好像是SW 03/17 10:34
LinuxTsai27樓海角七號:我操你媽台北 03/17 10:42
fly556628樓green smoke 03/17 10:42
iiKryptos29樓why so serious (超重的s音) 03/17 10:47
monicayuan30樓why so serious 03/17 10:48