[情報] AD: 我永遠不會得DPOY



The finalists for Defensive Player of the Year were released and Anthony Davis w
asn’t included.
"I'll never get it," Davis told ESPN about DPOY. "They're not giving it to me.
… I'm the best defensive player in the league.”


我永遠不會得,他們不會給我... 我是聯盟中最好的防守者




"I'll never get it," Davis told ESPN when asked about the award. "They're not gi
ving it to me. The league doesn't like me. I'm the best defensive player in the
league. I can switch 1 through 5. I can guard the pick-and-roll the best in the
league, from a big standpoint. I block shots. I rebound.


"I don't know what else to do. I'm over it. I'm just going to do what I got to d
o to help the team win and try to play for a championship. Accolades and individ
ual awards, I'm done with those."




For the game, Jokic went 3-for-8 with Davis as his primary defender, according t
o Second Spectrum, while he was 8-for-9 with Hachimura guarding him. Jokic nearl
y equaled the number of field goals he made in last year's entire conference fin
als with Hachimura flanking him, when the Denver big man went 9-for-21 with five
turnovers in that matchup across four games.


"We'll make a proper adjustment going into Game 2," Davis said. "And if that mea
ns I'm on [Jokic] for the whole game, then so be it."


看火腿明天是不是讓AD去守阿肥 還是一樣派八村

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1713799526.A.9FF.html
kaede07111樓他的確夠格拿一座 04/22 23:25
TaeYang7772樓知道就好 04/22 23:26
sezna3樓但是你的爹很多 04/22 23:26
kaede07114樓除了他爸小沙以外 AD應該只有鉛筆跟阿肥對位有劣勢 04/22 23:26
kaede07115樓9成9的禁區跟他對位都劣勢 04/22 23:26
Ydarvish6樓沒關係 鄧肯生涯也沒有拿過 但也不影響他的偉大 04/22 23:27
Khandraa7樓但是你是院長阿 04/22 23:28
qaz806918樓得了吧 一堆中鋒把你打爆還想拿獎 04/22 23:28
cor1os9樓一堆中鋒當你爸,還可以得才有鬼 04/22 23:29
stocktonty10樓可能因為進攻太強的問題吧xd 04/22 23:29
Wardyal11樓LBJ 拿不到DPOY靈氣 傳染給你了 04/22 23:29
huaiken12樓一堆是幾個 04/22 23:29
nerlens13樓聯盟明明就滿捧你的 哨聲一堆 04/22 23:29
Payne2214樓連sabonis 這種貧攻的都把你打爆了 還DPOY 04/22 23:29
e8e8815樓小沙:好哦 04/22 23:29
Miyanishi2516樓怎麼最近話這麼多.. 04/22 23:29
sunnyyoung17樓想太多 04/22 23:30
ZIDENS18樓不是吧 是AD被騙了還是湖人的數據組怪怪的== 04/22 23:30
dog2963584119樓想學鉛筆哭一座dpoy嗎 先學你家大哥雙膝跪地吧 04/22 23:30
ZIDENS20樓他守阿肥3-8 有一球是阿肥低端放槍*2欸== 04/22 23:30
Magic031221樓如果你隊伍有人叉腰但又不能罵只能捧,那你覺得你 04/22 23:31
Magic031222樓會有機會DPOY嗎 04/22 23:31
jyekid23樓受虐兒戰法 都在湖人了 04/22 23:31
Amilous24樓3-8小樣本 等整場守阿肥有這效率再說 04/22 23:31
ZIDENS25樓小樣本+本來就有誤差+阿肥早就達到KPI了 04/22 23:32
Aether1326樓這什麼 腿詹教的嗎 前幾天不是才哭哭啼啼 04/22 23:32
ZIDENS27樓超級失真 拿這個來講到底是誰的問題== 04/22 23:32
rayisgreat28樓LBJ那種雞腸鳥肚仔就算惹,AD客觀來說值得一座吧= = 04/22 23:32
jyekid29樓他防守很好但沒得也不太意外 TD都沒拿過了 04/22 23:33
Amilous30樓認真說 整場守起來八成是被打爆 且自己的進攻也掉 04/22 23:33