[情報] Darvin Ham: 你不能把吹判當藉口




Darvin Ham: "Some tough calls. Some tough non-calls. But you can't use any of
that as an excuse. You gotta go out there and be ready to make plays whether
the whistle gets blown or not. It's getting real tricky -- you go through the
season, games being officiated one way, and then you get to the playoffs, and
I guess it's left up to the interpretation of the three individual guys
that's doing the job out there."

Darvin Ham說:有一些難以接受的判罰和未響哨。但你不能把這些當作藉口。你必須準備


So, don't the messenger, but I've been asking around and that vast majority
of people I've spoken to think Darvin Ham will be back next year, even if the
Lakers lose in the first round.

Lakers Daily的Anthony F. Irwin:
我一直在詢問周圍的人,大多數我談過的人都認為Darvin Ham下一季會繼續值教湖人,即


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bengowa1樓姆斯:....y 04/23 14:26
inschool2樓姆斯:欸不是 04/23 14:26
QoGIVoQ3樓跟你的球員說 04/23 14:26
h5t65665564樓我看他快下課了 04/23 14:26
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samuelass8樓真是客觀公正的金塊教練 04/23 14:26
ajefferys9樓拜託讓他下課…. 04/23 14:26
a885655410樓敢拉正山羌? 04/23 14:26
RodrigueZ81011樓為下一場打預防針吧 hehehe 04/23 14:26
Bruce79070412樓就你最爛 04/23 14:26
ZIDENS13樓他是不是破罐破摔了 04/23 14:26
xkj2235514樓火腿這話出來不怕被湖迷罵更兇? 04/23 14:26
a129634015樓但你的球員只會怪裁判 04/23 14:26
Nuey16樓火腿還是直接滾吧 不和球員上下一心是在幹嘛== 04/23 14:26
Aretimis734517樓藉口說話了.... 04/23 14:26
free12018樓火腿竟然說人話!? 簽個4年約給他 04/23 14:26
ooxxman19樓等,你家山羊好像不是這樣說的,造反? 04/23 14:26
Y199920樓欸不是,你是104開好了是嗎 04/23 14:27
GGxyz21樓連自己球員都不挺喔,快下課吧 04/23 14:27
windfly52022樓這咖就專門說反話 真沒看過這麼爛的一個教練 04/23 14:27
Kidd050223樓是不是臭某羌 04/23 14:27
s2406677424樓你們同溫層不是這樣說的欸 難怪你被開會 04/23 14:27
RevanHsu25樓造反嗎 04/23 14:27
EQUP26樓你484不想幹ㄌ 04/23 14:27
oo1004254027樓你去撞一撞比較快 你比哨音還扯 04/23 14:27
tpc23125028樓笑死 04/23 14:27
jjoonnyy29樓湖迷比較怪你誒 04/23 14:27
vsepr5530樓好歹說些球員愛聽的== 04/23 14:27