[外絮] Trae談為何 Luka和 Kyrie在獨行俠能成功



https://reurl.cc/ezOgDL Yardbarker

Bleacher report


主持人: I know Luka had a really, I would say, viral press conference. He's
like, nah man, this is on me. Like I'm not doing a good job.I feel like I'm
letting him down. These are two very ball dominant guards. What is it about
their game specifically that makes it work, I would say?

Trae: I mean I think Kyle, I think that's the, people have a big
misconception of Kyrie Irving. Like a huge misconception of him. Like he's
just a special person. Special like player, obviously. But like his
personality, like if you're around him you could tell. I already know why it
works because he's just, he allows Luka to be Luka. He doesn't have, I mean
he's older now. I mean he just wants to win. You know what I'm saying?
我認為大家對 Kyrie有一個很大的誤解。真的是很大的誤解。他是一個很特別的人,

Like he doesn't want all the extra stuff that people probably think he wants
and the type of person he is or whatever. I just think he's letting Luka be
himself and then also taking over when he needs to. Like he doesn't step in
Luka's lane. He lets him be himself and then he takes over when he needs to.
And I think it's perfect. I mean they built a crazy team. I mean around Luka
and Kyrie, especially after the deadline, adding PJ and Gafford. That's an
unreal team.
要的時候接管比賽。他不會干涉 Luka的表現,讓他自由發揮,然後在需要的時候主導比賽

主持人: Lively has been amazing for them this year.
Lively 今年在獨行俠的表現很出色

Trae: Yeah, I mean drafting him was really good but just their whole team is

主持人: Yeah, they've got a really good group. 是啊,他們有一支很棒的隊伍

Trae: They got a chance to beat the Clippers and go far.

網友留言 https://i.imgur.com/NxfQVIf.png

Key words "he allows Luka to be Luka" 關鍵字「他讓Luka做自己」

Talk about how you and Dejounte dont work next
接下來談談你和 Dejounte為何搭不起來。

Everytime I come across a Trae Young video he's talking about Luka!
每次我看到Trae Young的影片,他都在談論Luka!

When will this narrative about Kyrie being ball dominant go away
關於 Kyrie黏球的說法,什麼時候才會消失

I always find it funny when people think Kyrie is ball dominant



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