[情報] 湖人對下一任總教練的期許



JJ Redick, James Borrego and Sam Cassell have emerged as the initial leading
head coach targets as the Lakers begin formal process this week, sources tell
me and @jovanbuha

Details on early focuses of the Lakers' search at @TheAthletic


湖人這周開啟了教練的面試,預計從JJ Redick, James Borrego跟Sam Cassell 開始



The franchise’s next coach will be tasked with guiding both the end of the
LeBron James–Anthony Davis era — potentially a two-year window — and then
the next era of Lakers basketball led by Davis. Los Angeles is looking for a
coach who can grow with the franchise for years to come, according to team
and league sources, placing a premium on maximizing Davis’ greatness, the
current returning players and the element of high-level player development.



As one source briefed on the situation said, “This should be more of a hire
about AD than LeBron.”



The Lakers are seeking a coach who will command the locker room and hold
players accountable, as well as tirelessly gameplan and provide a level of
structure and organization, according to those sources.



Mike Krzyzewski's deep knowledge for candidates, such as JJ Redick and
others, has provided a lens into the culture the Lakers want and the
characteristics of a potential staff around the next head coach, multiple
sources tell The Athletic.


Despite his lack of coaching experience at the NBA level, he’s regarded as
one of the most promising prospects on the market, and has made clear
publicly and privately that he has a significant desire to make the leap to
head coaching. Redick interviewed for the Hornets‘ head coaching job
recently and had an interview for the Toronto Raptors’ opening last


Los Angeles is open to discussing any deal framework for James to return, as
well as potentially drafting Bronny James in next month’s NBA Draft,
according to team sources. Bronny James intends to stay in the draft,
participating in all pre-draft activities beginning with the Combine this
week in Chicago and agency Pro Days next week in Los Angeles before narrowing
a list of interested teams to about a handful.

最後是有提到湖人將會進行任何可能讓LBJ回歸的討論,包含下一個月選Bronny James,





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1715699277.A.375.html
Nuey1樓直接LeCoach就好還要找啥教練 05/14 23:09
dwiee2樓湖人願意出多少錢 香蕉只請的到猴子 05/14 23:10
darkapplepie3樓這已經不是錢的問題了 這種教頭 一定已經有工作 05/14 23:12
darkapplepie4樓而且別隊絕對不可能會放 05/14 23:12
ginopun104775樓唯一支持紅屌 05/14 23:12
conqueror5076樓都是祭品而已 05/14 23:13
fash58967樓簡單啊,直接讓LBJ上就好了 05/14 23:13
kkl5226088樓要能最大化AD,還要能擅長培養、計畫Game Plan,真 05/14 23:14
kkl5226089樓的找的到嗎? 05/14 23:14
conqueror50710樓洛杉磯翔陽隊 05/14 23:14
lovewhite11樓要求這麼多 薪資開多少? 05/14 23:14
paulxxxtw12樓我想看Rondo冒出來面試 05/14 23:15
stocktonty13樓紅屌這個新鮮喔 05/14 23:15
MoWilliams14樓問姆斯喜不喜歡就對了 05/14 23:15
LBJKO15樓為啥這些條件 我腦中浮現是退休的Jay wright XD 05/14 23:15
martin698216樓夠了解AD,我第一個想到Rondo 05/14 23:15
ayubabbit17樓最大化AD不是讓AD去打大前鋒嗎 05/14 23:16
Tommy92C18樓新一代領繩教練加油 05/14 23:16
bbo952719樓我哥找回去阿 05/14 23:16
QOO914220樓火腿算能最大化AD,但他真的不是當總教的料 05/14 23:18
cama21樓坐等新教練被罵不會善用皇太子 05/14 23:18
gary88622樓條件嚴苛?不是只要當姆斯毛巾架跟領繩就好了嗎 05/14 23:18
rayes23樓看the不慌喜歡哪個教練就好 這麼簡單 05/14 23:18
conqueror50724樓姆斯當教練,讓AR去當太子的替補 05/14 23:19
a51601325樓姆斯滾才有辦法最大化AD 05/14 23:19
gox111726樓好了啦還不都毛巾架 笑死 05/14 23:19
hi77041827樓找點通尼,選布朗尼打控球 05/14 23:19
PeterHenson28樓這三個怎麼覺得都…好吧 姆斯喜歡就好 05/14 23:21
ahinetn12329樓趕緊找JJ讓LBJ跟姆咪爽就好 05/14 23:22
e8e8830樓軟豆怎麼可能跳這個坑 05/14 23:22