[情報] 某高官:騎士將在Mitchell或Garland間擇




Rival executives are preparing for Cleveland to choose between keeping Donovan M
itchell or Darius Garland, and they expect Garland's camp to potentially look fo
r a new team if Mitchell remains in Cleveland, per

“Rival executives believe the Cavs will have to seriously evaluate the fit of M
itchell and Garland and ultimately may have to choose one or the other. Should M
itchell decide to stay long term, sources briefed on the matter say Garland’s r
epresentation, Klutch Sports CEO Rich Paul, would have a conversation with Cavs
officials on potentially finding a new home for the one-time All-Star.”

(Via http://nyti.ms/4bEwS9J)

某競爭對手的高管準備好了,他們認為克里夫蘭將要在Donovan Mitchell和Darius Garland

不選擇其中一個。如果Mitchell決定長期留下,消息人士表示,Garland的代表、Klutch Sp
orts的CEO Rich Paul將與騎士隊官員就可能為這位一度入選全明星的球員找到新歸屬進行

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1715827401.A.211.html
kawazakiz21樓姆斯:選我選我 05/16 10:43
pttmylove2樓這還需要選 05/16 10:43
ZoeyDestiny3樓原來嘎蘭也是富寶的 05/16 10:43
chickengoge4樓湖人要了 05/16 10:43
Booker55665樓花環太陽收 05/16 10:44
windowdoor6樓用屁股想也知道選誰吧? 05/16 10:44
ZoeyDestiny7樓騎士有沒有想過米邱不想讓你們選 05/16 10:44
jyekid8樓所以這組勢必得拆 需要後衛的快搶 05/16 10:44
KingFelix9樓這還要想 05/16 10:44
saturday556610樓確實,後場兩矮子防守都跟紙糊的一樣 05/16 10:44
a2820026611樓這還要選? 05/16 10:44
jyekid12樓一直有消息米丘想走 05/16 10:44
jeff101313樓這應該不難選吧 05/16 10:44
chriskkk14樓這是侮辱米丘吧 05/16 10:44
gigiabc15樓人家是產業鍊的一部分耶== 05/16 10:45
hcl0016樓是米丘選吧 05/16 10:45
rayes17樓嘎懶真的比較爛 選啥 05/16 10:45
jayppt18樓wemby加mitchell 拜託了 3連霸的節奏 05/16 10:45
windowdoor19樓騎士直接丟花環 選太子得皇帝 重返巔峰 05/16 10:45
xjapan32920樓還用選嗎XD 05/16 10:45
hcl0021樓是說這是競爭對手講得 05/16 10:45
tmgl22樓阿克倫需要他們的king 05/16 10:45
Mikufans23樓某高官又誰 05/16 10:45
jim1244124樓花那麼多資產換來米邱如果不留全管理層要不要跳河 05/16 10:45
bestteam25樓不是侮辱 是因為米丘沒表態過會留 05/16 10:46
jayppt26樓而且這不是選擇吧 你確定是你在選米丘 還是米丘選你 05/16 10:46
nt88024527樓湖人要了 05/16 10:46
bestteam28樓如果他之後會變空氣 那當然要先賣掉換東西回來 05/16 10:46
roger262390029樓一定頂薪留米丘好嗎 還用選? 05/16 10:46
Mikufans30樓米丘選不選是一回事但騎士要留下才有競爭力 05/16 10:46