[花邊] 球三被告




LaMelo Ball is being sued by a Charlotte family when he allegedly drove over an
11-year-old named Angell Joseph, while he was asking for the Hornets star’s aut
ograph, breaking his foot in the process.

The incident reportedly happened as fans approached Hornets players after an eve
nt. Angell’s mother has stated that his recovery is physically and emotionally

球三被夏洛特一個家庭指控,當球三開車時,有一位11歲的小朋友叫Angell Joseph想要跟


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1716341790.A.CC5.html
Rinehot1樓這… 05/22 09:37
Wardyal2樓拔草測... 05/22 09:37
guanluvsquat3樓…. 05/22 09:38
jamescyt4樓開車撞小孩? 05/22 09:38
PunkGrass5樓?? 05/22 09:38
johnwu6樓有沒有管好小孩別亂跑 05/22 09:38
doyeewuer7樓這杯水 05/22 09:38
mose567898樓開車時跟人家要簽名? 05/22 09:38
no3219樓先不上車 05/22 09:38
jack3403110樓怎麼看敘述感覺很像小朋友衝出來,有沒有更詳細的 05/22 09:38
Dcwei11樓 05/22 09:38
bheegrl12樓和一個開車的人要簽名? 05/22 09:38
allenchu13樓他就在開車了… 05/22 09:38
love150027414樓拔草測風向 05/22 09:38
f9217415樓黃蜂靈氣... 05/22 09:38
zsp9081a16樓跟開車的要簽名? 05/22 09:39
allenchu17樓不如請七仔發言 看這咖能講出什麼 05/22 09:39
alittleghost18樓兒子的大玩偶-蘋果的滋味 05/22 09:39
ClownT19樓聽起來超怪 不上車 05/22 09:39
zsp9081a20樓這文字敘述看起來球三沒啥問題啊 05/22 09:39
Hettt565521樓丟給律師處理就對了 05/22 09:39
xbit22樓等新聞..這事真發生應該會有報導 05/22 09:39
matico23樓碰瓷?先等下班車 05/22 09:39
VL100324樓怎麼聽起來是小孩衝出去給車撞 05/22 09:40
s6644925樓等影片看真相 05/22 09:40
skygray226樓碰瓷? 05/22 09:40
Theo5727樓攔車要簽名聽起來挺危險? 05/22 09:41
qwerty78928樓要怎麼跟正在開車的人要簽名? 05/22 09:41
coiico29樓告得成 戴妃悲劇會變多吧 05/22 09:41
bheegrl30樓腦補是不是停車場堵球星出現之類的?也是很怪 05/22 09:41