[情報] Rick Carlisle:全都怪我




"This loss is totally on me. With 10 seconds in regulation, we should have jus
t taken the timeout, advance the ball and found a way to get it in and made a
free throw or two and ended the game."

Rick Carlisle after Pacers-Celtics Game 1.

溜馬教頭Rick Carlisle在東決g1賽後說:
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cool84181樓不該沈默時沈默 05/22 11:29
MidoriG2樓不該沉默時沉默 05/22 11:29
allenchtw3樓全都怪我 05/22 11:29
greatonizuka4樓開唱 05/22 11:29
icou5樓都帶兵幾年了 自進吧...... 05/22 11:30
ivo881146樓不該沈默時沈默 05/22 11:30
saberwong7樓 05/22 11:30
PunkGrass8樓不該沉默時沉默 05/22 11:30
Leaflock9樓不該沈默時沈默 05/22 11:30
loserloser10樓不該沈默時沈默 05/22 11:30
kenny012011樓不該沉默時沉默 05/22 11:30
a2212221212樓樓下不該沈默時沈默 05/22 11:30
g332202313樓帶幾年了 真的怪你自己 05/22 11:30
Larry080614樓唱起來!! 05/22 11:30
MidoriG15樓卡帥印象中很老練啊,為什麼會有這種新手教練失誤 05/22 11:30
DaBouSer16樓不該沈默時沈默 05/22 11:31
hunt556617樓 05/22 11:31
wu1991100918樓該勇敢時軟弱 05/22 11:31
Eric060519樓不該沈默 05/22 11:31
bakman20樓塞已經打夠醜了溜馬更是菜到不行西冠=總冠 05/22 11:31
freeskyd21樓想罰球你有問過裁判嗎? 05/22 11:31
earldunn22樓念你一代宗師 讓你自己辭職 05/22 11:31
s2996109123樓7777777777 05/22 11:31
Mikufans24樓對發球發不出去你也不叫暫停 05/22 11:31
samsam8082125樓他是扛起來啦 其實沒有一定的選擇 05/22 11:31
sanadayasu26樓如果那天我 05/22 11:31
davidlai778827樓喊暫停也沒用啦 一發球就失誤給你看 更氣 05/22 11:31
Bigcookie228樓太菜了 05/22 11:32
kingianlin29樓該勇敢時軟弱 05/22 11:32
jason91115230樓竟然沒噴罰球 05/22 11:32