[情報] KI談與AE的對決




Kyrie Irving on the Anthony Edwards matchup: “As a peer, I love that. It’s not
hing better. When Ant was a little younger, I’m sure he was watching me. When h
e was in high school, I was watching him. It’s more of those exciting matchups
that I look forward to. Right after the game (Game 7 against the Nuggets) it was
funny because he said it (about guarding Kyrie). I think the whole world was lo
oking like, ‘Ok, you better know what you’re talking about, Ant.’ I respect t
hat, and that no fear mentality that he has is why I love him as a competitor an
d I love him as a person. When we are on the court, I know he’s going to give i
t his all, I’ll give my all, and at the end of the game, it’s all love. When w
e’re in between those lines, he knows what it is and I know what it is.”


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