[花邊] 前NBA球員Drew Gordon過世




Drew Gordon has passed away in a car accident at 33 years old. Gordon played
nine games for the 76ers in the 2014-15 season and has played professionally
in US and abroad since college ball at New Mexico and UCLA. Drew is the older
brother of Nuggets F Aaron Gordon. RIP.

前NBA球員Drew Gordon因車禍過世,享年33歲,他在NBA只打過9場比賽,建樹不多

但他是金塊球員Aaron Gordon的哥哥



備註:他不是Drew Gooden

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1717127196.A.3E4.html
Bilison1樓哇… 05/31 11:46
Mikufans2樓 05/31 11:46
TristyRumble3樓... 05/31 11:46
Miyanishi254樓2024……………….. 05/31 11:47
fxm203345樓ag哥啊 05/31 11:47
Ricky04216樓RIP… 05/31 11:47
DaBouSer7樓R.I.P. 05/31 11:47
qq3268樓rip 05/31 11:47
pneumo9樓 05/31 11:47
Y199910樓靠北... 05/31 11:47
cjwu1102511樓印象中他也打過Dal 05/31 11:47
cysticercus12樓才33歲@@ 05/31 11:47
bingripplw13樓今年金塊球員的家人很多意外 05/31 11:47
Miyanishi2514樓騎士那隻叫Drew Gooden 05/31 11:47
hiphopboy715樓哇 Gordon一定會很難過 05/31 11:48
antonio01916樓金塊親屬團流年不利 05/31 11:48
hunt556617樓我以為是光頭那位.. 05/31 11:48
cjwu1102518樓啊記錯人抱歉 RIP 05/31 11:48
ecoginobili19樓R.I.P. 還以為Gooden 05/31 11:48
pdsjenny20樓太年輕了 R.I.P 05/31 11:48
jyekid21樓還以為是另一個 05/31 11:48
kaga199122樓看成drew gooden... 05/31 11:48
JustWinslow23樓2024.. 05/31 11:48
k38547691624樓看錯還以為是另一個 05/31 11:48
kid850025樓我剛也以為是騎士那位...RIP 05/31 11:48
STRO26樓Gordon節哀 05/31 11:48
pooroo27樓以為是Drew Gooden 05/31 11:48
hunt556628樓rip 05/31 11:48
c7683fh629樓R.I.P. 05/31 11:49
shellback30樓我還以為是Dooden光頭哥 05/31 11:49