[情報] 湖人預計聘請Dan Hurley作為總教練




BREAKING: The Los Angeles Lakers are targeting Connecticut’s Dan Hurley to be
come the franchise’s next coach and are preparing a massive, long-term contra
ct offer to bring the back-to-back national champion to the NBA, sources tell


湖人預計聘請康乃狄克大學的Dan Hurley作為總教練,並準備一份長期合約,讓這位二連

ESPN Sources: The Lakers have had preliminary contact with Hurley and sides ar
e planning to escalate discussions in coming days. Hurley’s been at the foref
ront of the Lakers’ search from the beginning of the process, even while the
organization has done its due diligence interviewing other candidates.


Rob Pelinka and Jeanie Buss are eager to formally discuss their vision with Hu
rley of marrying his dominant program --- built upon both his tactical acumen
and elite player development -- to the storied Lakers’ brand, sources tell ES

Rob Pelinka和Jeanie Buss迫切希望正式與Hurley討論他們的願景,將Hurley的執教能力

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1717671128.A.B92.html
ghost0691樓雷迪什: 06/06 18:52
dragon8032樓哇 超級回馬槍 06/06 18:52
a3367943a3樓JJ煙霧彈 06/06 18:52
alway703454樓JJ: 06/06 18:53
huhthehook5樓說好的領跑呢? 06/06 18:53
Tonyx5990266樓領跑,但沒有跑到最後 06/06 18:53
melzard7樓所以到底是簽了沒 06/06 18:53
andy787148樓Reddish的前教練嗎? 06/06 18:54
Tonyx5990269樓woj說湖人要給大長約欸 06/06 18:54
dragon80310樓還沒 準備聘請中 06/06 18:54
kickvsbrad11樓領跑 但最後失誤了 爛尾 06/06 18:54
linearppt12樓想看賭盤 06/06 18:54
wahaha30313樓前面那篇又神預言了 夢迴lue傳聞滿天飛最後vogel 06/06 18:54
cysticercus14樓一直放煙幕彈 根本做球給各家youtuber 06/06 18:54
lovewhite15樓就說JJ根本是幌子而已 06/06 18:55
melzard16樓這選擇比較理性啦,請個沒經驗的JJ實在是太搞笑了 06/06 18:55
wahaha30317樓所以Woj > Shams 06/06 18:55
akko7681518樓竟然不是皇上欽點的JJ 06/06 18:55
melzard19樓莊家通殺吧 06/06 18:55
ljk47682020樓唔 這位是.. 06/06 18:56
tomlin12128321樓ncaa冠軍教練矣 06/06 18:56
marlonlai22樓JJ頂多找來當助教 總教可能性很低啦 06/06 18:56
roger262390023樓這合理多了 可惜沒看到笑話 06/06 18:56
darren258624樓(NBA) 王桑預言成功/bbs/NBA/M.1717552599.A.E1E.html 06/06 18:56
st89028425樓大學教練管得動?又可以做一年領多年大約了 06/06 18:56
thindust26樓jj人生看那麼久竟然! 06/06 18:56
brian9b3b27樓領跑但跌倒了 06/06 18:56
n1061728樓湖酸:… 06/06 18:56
TAZUSA29樓我才不信呢,不選JJ怎讓布朗尼暢打 06/06 18:57
willy91100630樓Darvin Ham Dan Hurley 都是DH欸 06/06 18:57