[情報] 記者:勇士隊預計將釋出Looney



Golden State Warriors Expected to Release Championship Player

The Golden State Warriors have some incredibly difficult decisions to make

this offseason. While most eyes are on Klay Thompson, Chris Paul, and Andrew

Wiggins, there's another longtime player that's expected to be gone.


Thompson、Chris Paul和Andrew Wiggins身上,但另一位長期效力的球員也預計將離開。

According to a report from Tim Kawakami of The Athletic, the Golden State

Warriors are expected to cut 3x NBA champion and nearly 10-year Warriors

veteran Kevon Looney. Kawakami revealed the news during an episode of the

Warriors Plus Minus podcast.

根據《The Athletic》記者Tim Kawakami的報導,金州勇士隊預計將裁掉三次NBA冠軍得

主、在勇士隊效力近十年的Kevon Looney。Kawakami在一集《Warriors Plus Minus》


"I think the likeliest situation is that he's cut and he makes $3 million

from them and he's off looking for another spot, and there will be another

spot for him in this league," Kawakami said. "Teams are going to want him,

again for a very low number, but they're going to want him."




Kawakami also mentioned that Looney could end up as a backup center on teams

like the Denver Nuggets and San Antonio Spurs - both of which would be

fantastic fits for Looney.



Kevon Looney has been arguably the most reliable player on the Golden State

Warriors roster for the past decade. He's been a member of the team since

2015, won three championships, and at one point had a 290 consecutive games

streak. He's been asked to start, come off the bench, guard power forwards,

guard centers, basically anything that the Golden State Warriors have asked

for him.

在過去的十年裡,Kevon Looney可以說是金州勇士隊最可靠的球員。他自2015年起就加入







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csy09221樓泳迷最愛的武術超人就這樣被釋出了 06/08 17:09
TheoEpstein2樓薪資8M,部份保障3M這樣的合約 06/08 17:09
JahillOkafor3樓8M 又可以暴打(物理)球員 不留? 06/08 17:10
rbki34樓這隻也是 當初新秀時被溫情喊話 降薪留隊的 06/08 17:10
rbki35樓現在老了 就直接丟掉 真的好可憐~ 06/08 17:10
taikonkimo6樓可能是為了要到稅限下吧 但...勇士內線不可能只靠 06/08 17:11
TheoEpstein7樓留這個8M太貴了 06/08 17:11
taikonkimo8樓嘴綠吧.... 06/08 17:11
WIGGINS229樓28歲算老嗎==? 06/08 17:11
Sessyoin10樓金州武術隊的打手又少了一個 06/08 17:11
TheoEpstein11樓簽一個底薪中鋒現省3M啊 06/08 17:11
taikonkimo12樓以勇士目前稅限 8m加上稅 就已經很可怕了 06/08 17:11
TheoEpstein13樓而且中鋒還有TDJ吧 06/08 17:11
Sessyoin14樓嗚嗚嗚哇哇哇 06/08 17:12
Ray362715樓任勞任怨 幹髒活 領低薪,最後還是被裁 06/08 17:12
TheoEpstein16樓8M也不算低了 06/08 17:12
Hohenzollern17樓勇士王朝落幕 老闆省錢很正常 06/08 17:12
TheoEpstein18樓Looney能拿到的就是一份底薪吧,搞不好非保障 06/08 17:13
rbki319樓當年約到直接FA 至少10M起跳 現在被丟超可憐 被騙 06/08 17:13
edward081120樓勇士不要CP3和KT稅率問題沒了吧 06/08 17:13
ChienEric21樓便宜 我賽收 06/08 17:13
shargo22樓現在8m找得到比他好的? 06/08 17:13
ClownT23樓魯師傅 06/08 17:13
Hohenzollern24樓K湯圍巾若走人 勇士就剩咖哩嘴綠帶新人 06/08 17:13
TheoEpstein25樓勇士裁掉他不會有8M可以簽人啦,規則去看一下 06/08 17:14
mk168926樓會簽回啦 06/08 17:14
BadGame27樓反正有戒指 去錢多的地方吧? 06/08 17:14
edward081128樓KT圍巾CP3魯尼,當然都不要了 06/08 17:14
www296729樓當初沒去更貴的約就說保重 06/08 17:14
TheoEpstein30樓再用底薪簽回也是省3M。 06/08 17:14