[外絮] 聯盟人士懷疑湖人沒辦法跟上其他有錢老闆




Across the NBA, there is growing doubt that the Lakers have the resources to
keep up with newer investors. According to insider Eric Pincus, there are
concerns that the team's ownership group is just not capable of keeping pace
with the newer wave of owners.
作家Eric Pincus報導,對於湖人老闆是否跟得上其他新進老闆的憂慮開始出現。

"The Lakers might not have had the offer-he-can't-refuse budget to hire the
leader they so desperately needed in [Dan] Hurley," wrote Pincus via Bleacher
Report. "Many around the league look at the Lakers' primary ownership group
and wonder if they can keep pace with the newer wave of billionaires
investing in NBA franchises... The old-school Dr. Buss way of running a team
is almost unparalleled in championship riches, but the Lakers of 2024 still
don't have a coach, and frugality got in the way."

"The general opinion around the league is that the Lakers have a very frugal
front office. Outside of the scouting department for the draft, L.A. doesn't
have scouts spread throughout the league watching NBA talent on a nightly
basis in person like other franchises."


"Lets be honest, if this franchise were located anywhere else other than Los
Angeles , they would be the Wizards"

"i mean tbf, why bother when coaches and free agents are fighting over each
other to go there."

"Everyone just talking bout the lakers huh"


[外絮] Kuzma:比起去Orlando沒人理 我要留LA被譙

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1718161680.A.ADE.html
hunt55661樓現在湖人就是中小企業阿 06/12 11:09
clotha521812樓JJ表示 沒關係我不貴 06/12 11:09
Chanlin013樓這鄉民都知道 還要你講?? 差低 06/12 11:09
ayubabbit4樓湖人有LBJ 根本不需要名教練 好杯 06/12 11:09
snakepan5樓不用懷疑,就是如此 06/12 11:09
Barbarian1236樓繼教練滾蛋後 現在要叫湖人管理層老闆滾蛋? 06/12 11:09
Yui57樓可惜巴斯家族球隊不好賣,不然湖人早該賣了。 06/12 11:09
yueyi3138樓湖人現在就是想要打腫臉充胖子啊!沒錢就沒錢還要 06/12 11:09
yueyi3139樓裝闊! 06/12 11:10
f7792810樓家族企業愛搞宮鬥的文化才是戰績不上不下的主因 06/12 11:10
chihlee556611樓趕快去申請紓困 06/12 11:10
f7792812樓但就是有人喜歡牽拖老詹== 06/12 11:10
a10020506913樓一冠還債到老害退休 算划算了啦 06/12 11:11
turnpoint14樓珍妮身家連Ballmer的1/300都不到 06/12 11:11
PunkGrass15樓自信點 把懷疑拿掉 06/12 11:11
Landius16樓可是現在沒有教練前仆後繼要去湖人啊? 06/12 11:11
sinepitt17樓這個版不知道說幾次了 還需要懷疑嗎 06/12 11:11
qq052618樓巫師躺著也中槍 06/12 11:11
nick76110819樓不用懷疑阿 我以為大家都知道湖人很窮 06/12 11:12
laking20樓賣球隊拜託== 06/12 11:12
parkerlived21樓母獅就是球探兼經理人不是嗎?裁判球證旁證都他的人 06/12 11:12
Landius22樓問題是搞節約就算了,還在那邊辭退一堆教練然後繼續 06/12 11:13
hasroten23樓湖人不是還有申請補助 好像沒過? 06/12 11:13
GleybeTorres24樓不意外吧 還有人不知道珍妮習性嗎 06/12 11:13
turnpoint25樓只比老闆財力,湖人可能比一堆台灣職籃球隊還窮 06/12 11:13
Landius26樓付剩下的錢,這到底是有錢還是搞節約啊? 06/12 11:13
partingglass27樓湖迷不都說自家淘寶很強嗎 06/12 11:13
melzard28樓老巴斯的決策註定了這個結果吧 06/12 11:14
mepass29樓為什麼要幫他們擔心 06/12 11:14
GleybeTorres30樓淘寶強啊,所以原文不就說了 06/12 11:15