[情報] KCP年薪可達2000萬以上 金塊可能無法匹配




Evan Sidery, Forbes Sport

The Nuggets have concerns Kentavious Caldwell-Pope could earn a deal in free
agency similar to Bruce Brown, per @MikeAScotto
A team flush with cap space could offer Caldwell-Pope well over $20 million
annually to price out Denver.
金塊擔心KCP在自由市場上可能會得到一份類似Bruce Brown的合約
一支擁有薪資空間的球隊可能會向KCP提供每年遠超 2000 萬美元的合約,金塊無法匹配

(reddit 網友補充資訊)

The biggest difference is that the Nuggets have bird rights on KCP and if
ownership is willing to spend that should be able to keep KCP if they're
willing to reach the second apron.

However, if Denver think Christian Braun is ready to start, they can instead
let KCP walk and be armed with an MLE.

Do Y'all think KCP is worth 20M/year?

然而,如果金塊認為Christian Braun準備好的話,他們也可以放走KCP,並使用中產特例

網友留言 https://i.imgur.com/V8tsHR1.png

KCP YOU are a Detroit Piston KCP 你還是底特律活塞隊的球員。
Again... 又來了

KCP is absolutely worth it lol.
Elite 3&D guys are hard to find and basically every team needs them.
He's got decent size, plays very good defense, is 31 (not terribly old), and
shoots 40% from 3. Not many of those in the league available.
絕對值得為 KCP 付出這價碼!
頂級的 3D 球員 (擅長三分球和防守) 可是稀有動物,基本上每個球隊都需要這種球員。
KCP身材適中,防守出色,31歲 (不算太老),3分球命中率達40%。聯盟中類似的球員不多

32 by next season and then like 35 by end of a potential 3 year has to be a
下個賽季 32歲,潛在的 3年合約結束時 35歲左右,這是一個需要考慮的因素。

為何背景有 LeBron XD

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1718546471.A.CED.html
snakebite1樓一冠之後陣容維持不住了 06/16 22:03
rlj08582樓湖人要…抱歉 沒錢 06/16 22:03
UD3053樓今年季後賽有打嗎?!沒啥印象… 06/16 22:03
f921744樓垮台 06/16 22:04
AtDe5樓要到第二層基本上不可能 06/16 22:04
conqueror5076樓有啦 被AE過假的 06/16 22:05
ironboy19967樓主要輪替你還沒什麼印象 你有看嗎.. 06/16 22:05
jack340318樓問題是KCP走了,也不能簽誰進來吧 06/16 22:05
Hohenzollern9樓金塊一哥到四哥就撐爆球隊薪資結構 06/16 22:05
hunt556610樓說好的開啟金塊王朝呢 06/16 22:06
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edward081114樓kcp和mpj都換掉吧 06/16 22:08
ZIDENS15樓欸不是 到底誰要KCP 06/16 22:08
jack3403116樓塞爾提克的主力陣容在明年還在 06/16 22:08
snakebite17樓金塊接下來每年都會遇到這問題 06/16 22:08
taruru18樓32歲說實在的這個價有點賭.金塊小丑跟AG以外都可換 06/16 22:08
tyrone092319樓不簽KCP也不能簽其他人啊,除非不想爭冠,不然怎可 06/16 22:08
tyrone092320樓能不留他,除非很有自信替補可以補上來 06/16 22:08
taruru21樓莫瑞血條真的太短,今年這個問題又浮現 06/16 22:09
edward081122樓要變強就mpj+kcp都去換看看 06/16 22:09
bingripplw23樓88了這位 MPJ看能不能交易 06/16 22:09
gn0111072824樓如果他有2000,那kt呢? 06/16 22:09
jack3403125樓KCP是球員選擇權,跳出你要換什麼 06/16 22:09
tyrone092326樓KCP可以簽短年限但大約阿,今年一堆要湊薪資下限的 06/16 22:10
tyrone092327樓KCP你不簽他就去FA待價而沽,要換啥 06/16 22:10
ayubabbit28樓新的CBA真的太嚴苛了.. 06/16 22:10
conqueror50729樓現在好像只能賭新秀爆發 06/16 22:11
tyrone092330樓而且KCP是金塊外圍的POA,一堆人是以為他多爛 06/16 22:11