[花邊] PG:Bronny球商高,我把他比做假日、小白



Drawing parallels to Celtics' duo, LeBron James' son Bronny James' elite baske
tball IQ entices Paul George ahead of NBA draft


Paul George在Podcast P談到Bronny James

"What's most impressive is his basketball savviness," George said. "His basket
ball IQ. He can do it all. I feel like he hasn't shown that he can really be e
lite at a lot of things, but I think he can be elite at a lot of things.

"He's like in that Derrick White [territory]. It was interesting that that's h
is comparison that he wants to be like. But I compare him to the Jrue Holiday,
the Derrick Whites. Guys that are glue guys that can go do everything on the
floor and help you win. That's kind of how I see him," George said.





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jorden1樓假日2.0 不香嗎? 06/20 08:09
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qDaniel7樓名字遮掉你敢這樣說= = 06/20 08:11
ayubabbit8樓湖人17選了 06/20 08:11
mscmobitai9樓破產版? 06/20 08:12
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jeff101313樓小白+假日綜合體 這肯定很強吧 06/20 08:14
linyi52014樓那你快艇就選啊,想看LBJ+Kawhi+PG+Harden+Zubac+ 06/20 08:14
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linyi52018樓Lebron James Harden + Kawhi + PG + Zubac 06/20 08:16
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aaron12320樓不是他命中那麼差 06/20 08:16
f22205161821樓睡吧 夢裡什麼都有 06/20 08:16
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Demia24樓我應該不只是破產版,根本是負債版了吧 06/20 08:17
Demia25樓我覺得 06/20 08:17
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parkerlived27樓污辱了冠軍隊成員的假日、小白~~~ 06/20 08:17
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