[外絮] PG本次Podcast言論再次引起困惑與沮喪




During Wednesday's episode of Podcast P, Paul George was asked by his co-host
what his future will look like and what he's prioritizing as free agency

“I mean, for sure contributing to winning basketball,” Paul George said on
his podcast. “But, I mean at this point… I'm not even necessarily… It’s
not even about… Like… People are saying, ‘chasing a championship.’ Like,
it’s not that. But it’s playing the right style of basketball is what I’m

在週三(今天)發布全新一集的Podcast P中,Paul George被他的共同主持人問到他的未來




So not a championship. And no mention of the financial side of things. Only,
‘the right style of basketball?'

It's just another day where quotes from George leave everyone a little
confused and dejected.



(對 又 他別集關於季後賽的言論也被噴了= =)

Earlier in the episode, George explained how different it was playing with
James Harden after losing a number of glue guys in Nicolas Batum and Robert
Covington. It resulted in other guys, including himself, having to do more of
the, ‘dirty,' work.

“We started the year off rolling, we started year off hot,” Paul George
admitted. “Everybody was playing well, there was the energy there. It was
kinda like the first time of us all being healthy with Russ now. It was the
emergence of what it’s like being with Russ now, with myself healthy, Kawhi
healthy, and Russ full-time here. It was kind of like a fresh start of what
we thought could work.

在這集更早的時間點,George解釋了在James Harden加盟之後,失去一些像是Nicolas
Batum與Robert Covington這些Glue Guys所帶來的不同。他們的離開導致其他球員,包括
他自己,需要做更多的Dirty Work。

Paul George承認:「我們開季表現非常出色,我們開季火熱。每個人都表現得很好,球隊
充滿了能量。這有點像我們和Russell (Westbrook)現在都健康的第一次相處。這是和

“And then we traded to get James, and it’s not James’ fault of why I think
we struggled, but the lost part of that was we lost RoCo, we lost Nico. Those
were our glue guys. Those were our defenders. And we played small, so they
had the length to help us play small. So again, it had nothing to do with
grabbing James, it was moreso losing those guys. KJ Martin as well. That was
our energy, our young legs. So I think that's kind of where you get to late
in the year and we just weren't as good as we could've been, I think losing
those guys kind of hurt us. RoCo was huge for us. Nico was huge for us. They
would go get rebounds, they would block shots, they would rotate, they were
defensive guys. So you plug those guys around myself, Kawhi, and Russ, they
did a lot of the dirty work. And now you grab James, who is super talented
offensively, now myself, Kawhi, we become the dirty guys. Now we have to
score too. I think it was just a lot that we were trying to balance and
manage at that point.

“But again, it had nothing to do with James. James i thought was awesome for
us. One of the best passers I've played with, one of the best playmakers.
The way he just sees the floor, can take care of the ball, his ball security
is just impressive for just how much he's in pick-and-rolls and in tight

「然後我們就交易獲得了James (Harden),而我認為我們遇到的困難不是James的錯,但失
去RoCo和Nico(MM:幹啊我咧)對我們來說是很大的損失。他們是我們的Glue Guys。他們是
無關,更多是因為失去了這些球員。KJ Martin也是如此(1;37;44mMM:洗咧靠)。他是我們的能量,我

(MM你太苦了 打沒幾場的KJ Martin都比你重要)


The Clippers had that well-documented 26-5 stretch where they ran through
everyone including the eventual NBA Champion Boston Celtics. Guys were
clicking together, the vibes were great, and it appeared as though the
Clippers could only get better.

Unfortunately, the team faced a rough patch after the All-Star break that saw
them go 10-12 between February 6th and March 26th. The team's identity was
questioned by both George and Harden, which was immediately refuted by Tyronn
Lue and a number of players behind the scenes. Many including Lue were irate
that comments like those were even made, asking, ‘did we not have an
identity when we went 26-5?'


隊的個性被George與Harden質疑,但這立即遭到了Tyronn Lue和幕後眾多球員的反駁。許

Once again, injuries derailed their season and they fell short against the
Dallas Mavericks due to the knee inflammation that Kawhi Leonard was dealing
with for the final month of the season. And whether it's fair or not, the
criticism for the Clippers falling short once again lays at the feet of the

Leonard has been unable to finish the season healthy for the fourth season in
a row. In his first postseason in three years, George was underwhelming and
couldn't deliver consistently when the Clippers needed him most. James Harden
was solid for the most part, but had too many ups and downs as a scorer where
the Clippers needed scoring with Leonard out.

So when George says it's about the right style of basketball, is he implying
he's not necessarily a fan of James Harden's heliocentric type of game?
George saw career-highs in efficiency in part because of the offensive
workload Harden took off his plate, both in scoring and playmaking.

又一次,傷病再次終結了快艇的賽季。快艇因為Kawhi Leonard賽季最後一個月要處理他的

Leonard連續4個賽季沒辦法健康結束。過去3年第一次打季後賽的Paul George表現平庸且
無法在快艇最需要他的時候保持穩定。James Harden在大部分時間表現穩定,但快艇需要

所以當George說是要打出正確的籃球時,他是在暗示他並不喜歡以James Harden為中心的

Saying a championship isn't the priority while also not mentioning the money
part of things is a strange answer to that question, to say the least. Just
after his extension in December 2020, George said he was committed and felt
he ‘owed' the Clippers a championship.




Four years later, the Clippers still don't have a championship and priorities
seem to have shifted.

Now, the look-ahead to free agency in what could be a wild offseason.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1718859104.A.DC5.html
hunt55661樓小氣氛 06/20 12:53
leophior2樓講好聽話而已 就是要錢 06/20 12:53
pneumo3樓他那句dirty work真的很讓人不解 06/20 12:53
skatekid4樓爛咖 理由伯 06/20 12:53
pneumo5樓贓活就是別人該做的? 06/20 12:54
love15002746樓PG:MM誰? 我給忘了 06/20 12:54
vincecarterx7樓roco轉到七六也根本沒有打阿 這真的不是理由吧XD 06/20 12:55
micbrimac8樓知道爭冠無望 有錢就好 只是不好意思說得直白XDD 06/20 12:55
k9606749樓PG就很注重表面的咖 但實際上又很小心眼 這種人話 06/20 12:56
本人10樓他這次季後賽期間跟之後的言論被噴到連媽媽都不認得 06/20 12:56
fack317011樓再次強調,這與James無關 06/20 12:56
k96067412樓講多了就很容易有矛盾出現 從溜馬時期就是這樣了 06/20 12:56
downtoearth13樓快艇建隊應該是要參考青賽 你持球最長的人 應該要 06/20 12:56
axi14樓被拉去扛4號的...不是可愛嗎? 06/20 12:56
Gentile15樓正確地把球砸到自己跟隊友腳上 06/20 12:56
bangch16樓交易前那兩隻也沒吃多少輪替時間吧 06/20 12:56
downtoearth17樓是有相當攻擊威脅性的人 那如果是要把鬍子當成軟豆 06/20 12:57
brian04081818樓要折了? 06/20 12:57
micbrimac19樓現在的快艇跟太陽差不多 沒有現在也沒有未來XDD 06/20 12:57
bangch20樓而且這言論也還好 就是講他要為了錢看不會降薪逐冠 06/20 12:57
AtDe21樓就是要錢呀,真的去76或魔術都強多了 06/20 12:58
bangch22樓反正他這隻老殘艇薪水跟冠軍勢必是不能共存了lol 06/20 12:58
a1101178823樓三部曲PG要回來了 現在最後一張約 能撈就撈 06/20 12:58
Dong0224樓不會講話就別上節目了XD 06/20 12:58
micbrimac25樓去其他隊也是沒爭冠機會阿 有爭冠機會的球隊 也沒 06/20 12:58
micbrimac26樓辦法給他合約 06/20 12:58
ooxxman27樓帶隊被打爆的理由,還能簽頂薪嗎 06/20 12:59
micbrimac28樓最佳解就是好好拿錢續留 06/20 12:59
sasewill29樓快船可以放了吧,留龜龜幫主就好,加起來搞不好還 06/20 12:59
sasewill30樓沒有他貴 06/20 12:59