[情報] K湯去獨行俠




BREAKING: Free agent Klay Thompson plans to join the Dallas Mavericks on a thr
ee-year, $50M deal with a player option, sources tell ESPN. Thompson ends his
historic Warriors run as part of a multi-team sign-and-trade that’ll also sen
d Josh Green to Charlotte.

50M/3y 外加PO加盟獨行俠

這是個多隊交易 獨行俠還送出Josh Green至黃蜂隊


Thompson had four-year offers for more money, but taking less was offset by th
e chance to win a fifth championship with the Mavs and difference in state tax
es. Agent Greg Lawrence of @wassbasketball led Thompson in serious talks with
Mavs and Lakers, among others.

獨行俠一起贏得第五個冠軍,並考慮到州稅的差異。其經紀人Greg Lawrence(@wassbask

Warriors and Mavericks still working through details of sign-and-trade, which
includes Hornets sending the Mavericks two second-round picks for Josh Green,
sources tell ESPN. One of those picks could end up in Golden State. Thompson w
ill land in Dallas on the three-year deal.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1719858728.A.5DD.html
gnckt1樓太好了我湖解套,好險 07/02 02:32
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FaFatheone13樓來了 07/02 02:33
frank88061914樓比想像中少欸 07/02 02:33
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LYheha24樓比中產高一些的價格 07/02 02:34
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surefour27樓三小 07/02 02:34
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cross98011530樓約並低於稅線。 07/02 02:34