[情報] 阿肥推動球隊去交易來龜龜



Nikola Jokic has pushed behind the scenes for the Nuggets to get Russell Westb
rook. This isn’t the first time he’s wanted to play with him in Denver eithe
r. Westbrook would give Michael Malone a trusted, veteran ball handler, which
is something the Nuggets need right now.


金塊隨隊記者Harrison Wind:


Can confirm that Nikola Jokic has been pushing the Denver Nuggets to acquire R
ussell Westbrook.

I’m told DeAndre Jordan has also been advocating for what Westbrook could bri
ng Denver on and off the floor.

Clippers exploring several potential trades involving Westbrook, but even if h
e’s not traded there directly it’s possible that’s where he ends up.


快艇記者Joey Linn證實這個消息,並表示DAJ也一起加入推動這項交易。


記者Kevin O’Connor在下方留言:那會是個錯誤



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1719879864.A.13A.html
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